Metal Instrumentals?

Helstar - Perseverance and Desperation
Marco Sfogli - Most of his solo album
Nightrage - Sting of remorse
Every Instrumental written by Robert Marcello
Galneryus - Glorious Aggressor
Dragonland - The Old House on the Hill trilogy
Helstar - Perseverance and Desperation
Marco Sfogli - Most of his solo album
Nightrage - Sting of remorse
Every Instrumental written by Robert Marcello
Galneryus - Glorious Aggressor
Dragonland - The Old House on the Hill trilogy

Good stuff, yeah I'm a big fan of Helstar, Marco Sfogli and Rob Marcello...
I was going to mention Marcel, so it was rather cool to see him linked up. :) He also has two solo CDs out, besides Lemur Voice, Sun Caged and his various guest work. Colour Journey is half instrumental (I sing on two/play piano on one of them) - it's all over the map stylistically, as he wanted to focus on his song writing across a broad spectrum. Before that is Guitartalk, which would also be right up your alley, Mystic. :)

Cool, yes Marcel is very good and has a cool tone, I've got Colour Journey but need to check out more of his material...
Hi Colleen, You are great Colour Journey and Marcel and friends, good to see you on the forum:kickass:

Thanks, Mark!! Being involved in that CD with Marcel, and the show... one of my very fondest memories (EVER). I hope Sun Caged can play the festival one of these days... would kick ass!

Mystic - Hope you enjoy(ed) CJ! Guitar Talk is amazing as well... Hell, Marcel can do no wrong in my book. :worship:
Of all the instrumental (guitar-driven) cd's that I have, only Chris Poland's Return to Metalopolis really sounds like a 'metal' album to me. Its a bit dry and uncolorful but their are a few moments of fantastic riffs (and amazing use of a Sitar in metal) that get stuck in your head.
planet x owns all in the metal category, hands down. perfect blend of metal and fusion. check out the live from oz cd - or their newest effort - quantum.

as far as just strictly instrumental groups go though, kenso is regarded as the best fusion act from japan - they are my favorite.

the best instrumental bands are usually the ones that arent solely guitar driven - while at first glance its great, it quickly becomes stale. for example, i think jason beckers perspective album was easily the best thing he had ever done.

WITH THAT SAID, guthrie govan is still a monster and IMO best guitarist going in the whole steve vai, joe satriani, etc... side of the world

there are tons of killer newer bands coming up as well, panzerballett, estradasphere...the list can go on for ages.
Accept - Just By My Own (Objection Overruled)
Yngwie - I know it is blatantly obvious, as far as his first RF release, but we all forget about it sometimes.
Pagan's Mind - Back to the Magic of Childhood (Celestial Entrance)
Lastly...... kudos to the Metal Church as well. Those guys weren't great soloists, but that is one of the best instrumentals ever.


Metal Church - It's a Secret
Ozric Tentacles, "Kick Muck" -- all-instrumental band and not normally a metal band, but that particular song is pretty damned crunchy. :headbang:

Played Equilibrium's "Mana" earlier today....whew, that 16-minute instrumental gem gets better every time I hear it. :kickass:
I still pull out Tony McAlpine's - Maximum Security from time to time. I had forgotten about it for many years till a thread here reminded me, but it's back in rotation...just not quite as much as in the 80s....

Quoted for truth, this album is AMAZING and the defacto shred standard as far as I am concerned. Plus, you've got shredmeisters George Lynch and Jeff Watson making some guest appearances and tearing it on a few tracks - what more do you need for an invitation to shred heaven?
Iced Earth - 1776
Def Leppard - Switch 625

........Kiss "Love Theme From Kiss" just for my childhood sake :)
Let's see people already mentioned Metal Church, Metallica, LTE, Rush, DT, Def Leppard, Megadeth, Yngwie Malmsteen, Planet X, Tony MacAlpine, Chris Poland, Scale The Summit that left maybe:

Spastic Ink - "Ink Complete" (debut album)
Tetrafusion - "Absolute Zero"
LoNero - "Relentless"
Chris Brooks - "The Master Plan"
Iron Maiden - 'Genghis Khan', 'Transylvania', 'Losfer Words (big ' orra)', 'The Ides of March'
Black Sabbath - 'Laguna Sunrise', 'Fluff'
Deep Purple - 'Son Of Alerik'

Most of Joe Satriani discography (he wasn't mentioned I believe...)
Instrumental 3-piece Progressive Metal band w/ 3 or 4 records...

yes, pretty sad it took that long for them to be mentioned and someone mentioned SCALE THE SUMMIT before the almighty CANVAS SOLARIS. i mean 5 releases...all instrumental...all progressive. it really gets no better than these guys.

These guys should have played PP years ago...although it's never too late, glenn. ;) hell, they live in GEORGIA!!

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Speaking of CANVAS SOLARIS. Shameless plug. We have actually REISSUED their first full length album, Sublimation, this year. New artwork, remastered and added live concert footage included on enhanced CD.

...the dizzying fray of killer compositions like "Cosmopolysyndeton" and "When Solar Winds Collide" won't help alleviate the assumption that Canvas Solaris are snooty, intellectual muso types who are too smart for their own good and the consumer's understanding. Maybe? Maybe not? But every once in a while, metal needs an IQ boost to reaffirm its vitality in the face of cliches and close-mindedness, doesn't it?

Canvas Solaris will surely enjoy exponential success with Sublimation, a prime exemplar of technical metal for the ages.
EXCLAIM! the mainstream audiences this album will be far too much to understand as it lacks the tedious nu-metalcore formulaics. But to those who appreciate the art form of intricate and imaginative metal, you need look no further.
THE PRP today's sadly self-gratifying prog metal market where players are looking for individual attention rather than worrying about the product on a whole, Canvas Solaris show that they have some integrity (both musically and personally). What they sacrifice from not showing off they make up for with their virtuous songwriting.

Sure it’s mind-bendingly original and overtly progressive but can an instrumental album have the kind of bite that generates enough interest to repeatedly listen to it? The answer is a resounding yes.

This disc is far from crushing, but every note the band plays is captivating and delivered with the seeming ease that only a true pro can feign...The music on this CD is so cool and at the same time so far beyond the realm of “progressive” it’s not even funny.

Canvas Solaris keep it complicated but stay coherent in their style while being on another plane of musical existence...The album through and through is an amazing trip that will make one want to learn to play an instrument or at least give one a whole new appreciation for music.

This is a top metal album of 2004 for me. I recommend this to fans of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Cancer Conspiracy and metalcore fans that are looking to enjoy something a little different than your average two-chord breakdown.

Its a damn shame a vast majority will simply hear this album one time and miss the chance to broaden their musical horizons. To those looking to get lost in their own bright utopia: Canvas Solaris is the drug of choice.