Metal Moratorium Items


Oct 13, 2005
I've been thinking a lot about some things musical, lyrical, and otherwise metal that just need a break. Things that need to be put on moratorium for a little while, locked in the "metal vault" for at least five years, so to speak. I'm wondering if you all feel the same. Here's my opening suggestion:

1. Inverted Pentagram. It's lost any of its original power and shock value, particularly when bands like Shadows Fall and Anthrax appropriate it. It's just not scary or tough or even obscure anymore. Come up with something new.

I leave the rest up to you. What about metal is really tired?
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The whole anti-christian thing. Im not christian myself, but I get the feeling its been done to death, no longer is it evoking controversy or putting new ideas out there, its just simply offending some innocent christians who have done nothing wrong. Slayers new album comes to mind. Its just been done to death and seems to be more of a method to sell than to make a point these days.
by and large, I ignore most bands' lyrics and posturing, but nothing undermines talent more than hackneyed, unimaginative Satanic/anti-Christian "ideology." sometimes you'll find a band that expresses a philosophy with taste and thought, it's usually nonsense.

rather than trot out the same hackneyed, cartoony post-LaVey silliness, it'd be refreshing to see acts that base their sentiments on actual magickal history like Crowley, Gurdjieff or Blavatsky, or maybe the works of modern athiests like Bertrand Russell, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, etc.

np: Camel - Nude
devil horns, corpsepaint

The whole anti-christian thing. Im not christian myself, but I get the feeling its been done to death, no longer is it evoking controversy or putting new ideas out there, its just simply offending some innocent christians who have done nothing wrong. Slayers new album comes to mind. Its just been done to death and seems to be more of a method to sell than to make a point these days.

+1 for them both, that is heaps true. It seems all new bands these days Satan this Satan that blah blah. Hey fizzman... you don't live too far from me :)
I'm tired of hardcore vocals. Why does everything need to be screamed. I prefer the tastefulness of black & death vox over this style. It is annoying, boring & repetitive. On 2nd thought I hate just about everything about hardcore

:kickass: Congrats to SoundDave for piling up the good threads lately :kickass:

Keep em coming SD. :lol:

OT: Going to see a band called the "Yayhoos" tonite! couple of guys from Georgia Satelite's and the Del-Lords apparently.

Definatly no corpse-paint on this billing. hehe

Although, it would be funny to see 'em sing Keep Your Hands to Yourself in Corpsepaint...

And thanks for the props guys! :) I try not to start dumb overdone threads....
Something that I'm glad that stopped in rock (not necessarliy metal) is the whole wrecking guitars on stage a-la Pete Townsend. That makes me cringe everytime...
Something that I'm glad that stopped in rock (not necessarliy metal) is the whole wrecking guitars on stage a-la Pete Townsend. That makes me cringe everytime...

One of my friends works in first aid at concerts, and at the band "story of the year" he said they smashed a guitar, and a large shard of wood from the guitar flew back stage and cut someones lip open. They required stitches, fucking tools.

Sorry for double post.
Minor/diminished keys/chords in black metal are so played out.

I think it's time for someone to do a black metal album with all major chords; a brighter, shinier, happier black metal. Keep the atonal screeching, though, 'cause it ain't black metal w/o it.

Band names and logos should be completely legible, perhaps in a nice serif font like Palatino or Times Roman, or maybe even Comic MS?

And if you must use corpsepaint, why not choose some alternate color schemes? How about white and pink, or maybe a nice sky blue and orange?

np: Carrie Underwood - The Haunted Black Forest on the Coldest Day of Winter, at Midnight When the Crows Cry From the Ice-Covered Branches
O rly? Where you from exactly. Keep in mind I meant Richmond in NSW, not Vic. Now that I think of that I may have been confusing people :erk: I better change it.

Oh ok, cool, i assumed NSW anyways, i'm in Parramatta which would be like a half hour drive or so from you. Anyways getting back on topic, one thing that is very well overdone alot which i have noticed is all of these n00b guitarists trying to do Jeff Loomis solos. No. Stop. You just can't.
If you combined all the stuff you've people said, metal wouldn't exist. I have no problem with letting certain trends go, but the genre is sort of defined by a lot of what's been said.
If you combined all the stuff you've people said, metal wouldn't exist. I have no problem with letting certain trends go, but the genre is sort of defined by a lot of what's been said.

I'm sure if we got rid of the corpse paint, devil horns, anti satan then all metal as we know it would fail to exist, because that is all that metal is. It's not, say, A CERTAIN TYPE OF MUSIC THAT PEOPLE LISTEN TO AT HOME AND THOSE THINGS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO AFFECT ON THE LISTENING EXPERIENCE!
Oh ok, cool, i assumed NSW anyways, i'm in Parramatta which would be like a half hour drive or so from you. Anyways getting back on topic, one thing that is very well overdone alot which i have noticed is all of these n00b guitarists trying to do Jeff Loomis solos. No. Stop. You just can't.

Ah yeah I know parra. Transfer trains there pretty much everyday Im going to uni.