Satyricon's Now, Diabolical

I don't like Satyricon's new stuff, I prefer older albums like Nemesis Divina, which is a really awesome album besides the fact that the bass drum is way too quiet and lacks triggers, or a decent sound for that matter. I'd like to here it re-recorded to see how it would sound with modern recording technology.
I prefer drums without triggers, it actually requires some skill to keep the volume level which I appreciate. I have never really liked the sound of Frosts drums but you have to give the guy something, he has speed.
get DMT first... :yuk: also with the lack of indie record stores in your state I would think that could be a business opportunity for someone... maybe even you... :kickass:
I probably could do that, I'm likely going to Minor in Business Management in college(I'm one final exam away from my sophomore year of college), which means I take a few basic business management classes on basically how to do it, etc, though I think I could do that right now with no degree. I don't know, I planned on moving away from this state when I'm done with college.
Now Diabolical is a joke album..... i've waited 4 years for this and it was a disaster of an album.

i don't care about this band since then.
I remember listening to samples from both Now Diabolical and Volcano before and remember not really getting turned on by Now Diabolical's music but liking the slow rockish sound that I remember hearing off of Volcano.
Is it my imagination or is Satyr a very talented acoustic player? I was just listening to the Shadowthrone tonight... he gets a really good tone out of his acoustic and to me it sounds like he might of had some classical training... anyone know if he did? ....
Is it my imagination or is Satyr a very talented acoustic player? I was just listening to the Shadowthrone tonight... he gets a really good tone out of his acoustic and to me it sounds like he might of had some classical training... anyone know if he did? ....

I am fairly certain if he did he would not have had a lot given he recorded the bands demo's at 16.
I don't think Satyr recorded The Shadowthrone album at 16 but even if he did you would be surprised how talented some kids at that age can be on classical guitar. I know because one of my best friends at that age was and he is currently a Professor of classical guitar at a college or university or something like that from what I heard.
Satyr is a great guitarist and always has some neat ideas and seems to have a wide range of influence. I think he repeats himself less than a lot of guitarists in metal bands.