Metal Releases with programmed drums

Did you ever hear the demos they had on their Myspace before they recorded the album? All done with DFH I believe and they sounded great. I guarantee they used the same MIDI files for the album...

That's what I thought too!
I did an interview with the singer at the time their record came out and he told that he had programmed the drums (at least for that one track they had on GarageBand) and also mixed it!
That's what I thought too!
I did an interview with the singer at the time their record came out and he told that he had programmed the drums (at least for that one track they had on GarageBand) and also mixed it!

Kyle used Guitar Pro to write the album including the drums. Jon uses fruity loops with PT for the demo stuff. I don't know what program Christian used on the drums for the album. Those drums fooled me though when I first heard it.
Wow, this thread has opened my eyes and ears to how I haven't noticed programmed drums on some of these albums, especially the Threat Signal album. I guess it goes to show that taking your time with programming can give great results, as we've heard countless times on this forum. Makes me wonder how many other bands have not stated they've programmed the drums and we've just assumed its a real drummer.
Kyle used Guitar Pro to write the album including the drums. Jon uses fruity loops with PT for the demo stuff. I don't know what program Christian used on the drums for the album. Those drums fooled me though when I first heard it.

It is a shock for me. :OMG:

I must hast listened to this album 100 times and never had the slightest guess that those drums were programmed.
There was a dude that posted here that always used programmed drums on his productions and it sounded good...I can't remember his user name, but he recorded the Devil Wears Prada, at the Throne of Judgment, etc...He's like an exclusive producer/engineer for Rise Records now...Joey I think was his name. He lives not too far from me, his studio is called Foundation Recording, IIRC.
Our album "Dark Fiber" as well as our upcoming released. Drummers are overrated.

wow. I really like your drum sound on that album. Well I think the production overall is awesome. What did you use? DFHS? What snare sample did you use? I like that snare a lot. Also, how do you program them? Do you do a lot of humanizing?
Only the toms sound processed to fuck, but its a signature tone. The guitars and bass also, just fuzzy industrial...

I'm not complaining; I'm rather fond of those sounds in their context. But they're hardly dry or natural tones. 'S all I meant.
Don't forget "Ram It Down" by Judas Priest. Although I doubt that'll make you feel a whole lot better about it...