Metal scene in Atlanta?


Apr 12, 2008
I'm coming to Atlanta to study, and I was wondering how the metal scene is like there. Are there lots of gigs? Great metal and hard rock pubs? How about local bands? I've been playing in bands here, so I'd like to find me a band in Atlanta, where should I start searching?
And I like goth/elektro/wave parties... do they organize such parties around Atlanta?
I'm coming to Atlanta to study, and I was wondering how the metal scene is like there. Are there lots of gigs? Great metal and hard rock pubs? How about local bands? I've been playing in bands here, so I'd like to find me a band in Atlanta, where should I start searching?
And I like goth/elektro/wave parties... do they organize such parties around Atlanta?

check the Pathfinder Promotions MySpace page for the current calendar of progressive/power/thrash metal shows over the next few months.

And then PM me your email address and I will add you to my mailing list for when I put shows together. I have a few more ideas in the works between now and the fall months beyond what's on the current calendar.

There are gigs going on every weekend with everything from emo/screemo bands to modern alternative rock to metal of all genres (mostly hardcore and death). But occasionally I surprise the local scene with a traditional metal show featuring the best progressive and power metal in the region. :cool:

As far as the goth/elektro/wave parties... I have no clue. But I'm sure I can put you in touch with the right people who would know.

Welcome to Atlanta! :rock:
Depending on what you play/do as far as music goes you can look through the myspace classifieds and such. I know a really good young traditional metal band looking for a good singer.

I dunno about Goth but the Masquerade has some dance party stuff every now in then I think from what I tried to find for ya.

you can click the maquerade above for their site or go to the myspace for their old wave myspace site.

other sites I suppose you can look at for clubs and such
their descriptions include little summaries of the places they are listing.
As for goth, there are 3 regular nights that rotate a couple of nights out of the month on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Social Kink at The Mark is a once a month night that plays 80s New Wave and EBM/Industrial (two separate rooms). Crimson Web is held on Saturdays, I think 2ce a month and the Spring 4th venue has stuff that goes on, fairly regularly, which includes Phobia (another 1ce a month club). The Masq also hosts an 80s night that gets a decent amount of the goth kiddies out, and a few other places.
@Rider of Theli: I sent you a PM. Thanks for the welcome-thingie!!

@PatrickHoyt: I'm a vocalist. I play some classical instruments and keys as well, but I won't be able to bring them with me... I'm taking courses on classical and jazz singing, been singing in a typical female fronted metal band for quite a while, but anything goth/doom/atmo/sympho/power/true metal would do. As long as I can have some fun and hit the stage again! Those Old Wave parties look great :).

@freakchylde: Thanks! That goth calender looks useful, you have Voltaire coming over.

@dcowboys311: death and power and a bit of black: check! I've seen that Dark Tranquillity will be playing in Atlanta (before I'm coming, unfortunately), they're one of my favourite bands. I could listen to "Lethe" on and on without getting bored of that song.
@dcowboys311: death and power and a bit of black: check! I've seen that Dark Tranquillity will be playing in Atlanta (before I'm coming, unfortunately), they're one of my favourite bands. I could listen to "Lethe" on and on without getting bored of that song.

Dark Tranquillity is my all-time favorite metal band. I really cannot wait for that show. There are a lot of great local bands here too.

Where in Atlanta are you coming to study?
@edgeofthorns: you are evil! thanks for the welcoming part though :)

@dcowboys311: I'm going to Georgia Tech. If I'm not mistaken, then that is really close to the venue where ProgPower is held.
@dcowboys311: I'm going to Georgia Tech. If I'm not mistaken, then that is really close to the venue where ProgPower is held.

Haha, that's awesome. It's where I currently go. Depending on where you live, it's only about a 25-minute walk or 5-minute drive from the venue.
@PatrickHoyt: I'm a vocalist. I play some classical instruments and keys as well, but I won't be able to bring them with me... I'm taking courses on classical and jazz singing, been singing in a typical female fronted metal band for quite a while, but anything goth/doom/atmo/sympho/power/true metal would do. As long as I can have some fun and hit the stage again! Those Old Wave parties look great :).

definitely sending you a PM right now. :heh: *wheels a turnin*