I had some dude compliment me for my Extreme Noise Terror shirt at a gas station once, and when I was driving home from the Maiden shows last month another guy at a different gas station complimented me on the Maiden shirt I was wearing. The shirt that gets me the most compliments is definitely my Voivod 'War and Pain' tour shirt, but I hardly wear that one anymore, because it's too small and I'm afraid I'll fuck it up somehow. Oh, and people seem to dig the Sodom backpatch on my vest.
Portland sucks because you can't find cool old metal shirts at Goodwill anymore, everyone either sells them on eBay or to trendy 'retro' clothing stores that charge $40-$50 for them. All the indie rockers here are into metal because they see it as campy and ironic, and I want to kill all of them because they insist that they're not posers.