Metal to get wasted to


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Okay, so I'm bored right now. Well, what are your favorite metal bands/albums to get wasted to. Personally, I prefer thrash metal on crack ala Sadus ( the first 3 lp's) or sometimes a little bit of Swordmaster Postmortem Tales( not the best thrash out there but plenty belligerent). Do you underagers ever like to pull the old "slam a 12 pack of Milwaukees Beast before the show" maneuver? Your thoughts, anecdotes on the subject? Idiotic thread? I don't care. Goodnight.
Dude this year at my schools graduation party we had a triple kegger and we were blasting Pantera the "Vulgar Display of Power" album, we got pretty fucked up that nite and that music helped the mood tottaly, we had a big mosh pit goin.(picture a few hundred drunk ass Seniors moshin) Good fuckin times. I like gettin Stoned listenin to Metallica(old school) though.
Pantera and Down are both good options. Personally, I reckon old timey DM like Obituary and stuff would be awesome
Thrash goes down well drunk. Thrash also goes down well sober... but better drunk.

Personal favorites would be Destroyer 666, Sodom, Kreator, Megadeth and Drunkard.

Actualy today was payday so I just went and got a couple of slabs of beer with a bottle of scotch. Goat Horn - Storming the Gates is my CD of choice, and I RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE who similarly enjoys beer. :kickass:
THRASH, THRASH, THRASH! We do it for the THRILL, THRILL, THRILL, causing you to MOSH, MOSH, MOSH something something whatevaaaaah!

Mostly early Metallica, but anything that gets you (me) headbangin', knee-drummin', singing along and spilling beer is great. Mostly thrash but of course Iron Maiden deserve a place among the top spot contenders.
Somebody mentioned Falkenbach and I definitely agree with that. There's nothing better than Viking beer-swilling hymns to go along with a suitable inebriation.
Erik said:
Metallica (and any other thrash it is possible to sing along to -- haha try yelling along to "The Burning of Sodom" while drunk out of your mind... ONCETHETALEOFSHCSHCAHSchshc...ssda...ETERNALAFTERL IVES!"

I should try Holy Terror or Vio-Lence.
Decadent said:
I just remembered... anyone ever gotten drunk to Otyg? It's great!

HELL YEAH. Skyclad as well. I'm somehow able to slam dance and headbang at the same time.

On the more Heavy Fucking Metal side however:

Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction
Omen - Battlecry
Manowar - Hail To England
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Grave Digger - EVERYTHING
Running Wild - Under Jolly Roger
Helloween - Walls Of Jerhico