Metal Videos

i would like one too hehe, in general I go to the bands website, or Kazaa fill sharing program has things like In Flames and Children of Bodom, ton of Iron Maiden vids on there. But a solid page to download videos would be nice. I just get my vids from all around.....
Originally posted by FatherVic
IRC :)

fathervic (not giving pools away under any circumstances)

You can find almost everything there.. try UnderNet

/server (for a random european server)

then /list (for a list of channels.. try to find something like "videos" or "mpegs" etc etc.. and then join in)
you have to follow the bots' instructions from then on.. pretty easy though..
Everybody should use Direct Connect and connect to the swedish metal hubs... There you can find everything, and it is easy as hell to use...

-phyros (contributing)
@quovadis With all respect to Sirens sweet and kind attempt to help, there im pretty sure you cant download videos :)

@phyros ah thanks nagus i was trying to remember what that thing was

*Final Vision - Going to download direct connect....
Originally posted by Phyros
Everybody should use Direct Connect and connect to the swedish metal hubs... There you can find everything, and it is easy as hell to use...

-phyros (contributing)

those bastard have like 100gb quotas!!!

Misanthrope ( with a pityful 15gb hdd )
Originally posted by Final_Vision
@quovadis With all respect to Sirens sweet and kind attempt to help, there im pretty sure you cant download videos :)
It's not my fault, i never tried to d/l videos :)

Sorry for my deceiving instructions, i guess it's in my blood ;) :p