
Come on you Metal Heads... 7 views and no reply? I thought this would be the right forum to post this question as this formu is full of Metal people... :/

Hmmm... :)
Metal, as we now know it, would more suitably be called extreme music. Metal now encompasses so many styles, and is made up of elements of so many genres, that it would be nearly impossible to describe the sound of "metal". However, I think a good definition would be: "music pushing the boundaries of preconcieved styles and sounds, usually incorporating loud guitars and drums."
Well, I've said this before, and I'll still say this, if somebody agrees with my thought:
All of this "define this, define that" is wrong. the only thing you do is put a label on a band.
For example: A new band appears. "What kind of music do they play?" "Well, they are transmetal proggresive grindcore. And deathcore" ??????!!!!!
What the fuck is that!! well, some people does that, that's why there are new music styles new: postgrunge, Nu-metal, Melodicpop, and stuff!
For me the thing is as simple as this: "Pop" comes from the word "popular"; popular, "populus" (I think that's Greek); and "populus", "THE PEOPLE".
SO, pop music -for me- is the music that the people listens to, so they are known bands. And the bands are not That famous is Underground music, 'cause it's harder to find and not to many people listens to it. When does a band crosses the thin line between "Underground" and "Pop"? I DON'T KNOW...
So for me there is'nt a right definition to a music type. IT'S JUST MUSIC. enjoy it.
I hope that what I just wrote may have been helpful, interesting and not boring, although I dindn't answer your question :lol:
Originally posted by chileanmetal
Well, I've said this before, and I'll still say this, if somebody agrees with my thought:
All of this "define this, define that" is wrong. the only thing you do is put a label on a band.
For example: A new band appears. "What kind of music do they play?" "Well, they are transmetal proggresive grindcore. And deathcore" ??????!!!!!

I agree 100%. Why do you feel the need to categorize things all the time? Does it really matter if nu-metal is metal or not? If you like the music listen to it, if you don't why waste any time on it. For example if you think Slipknot are metal will it change how you feel about their music? Either you like something or you don't. If you wait for labels to dictate your tastes then I think you're wrong in your approach of music. We listen to music, we don't listen to genres. Labels are only useful in giving a rough description of someone's music, not a measuring of their worth. There are good and bad nu metal bands, good and bad power metal bands, good and bad trip-hop bands and so on.... I think it's a waste of time and energy try to put art into categories.... These are my thoughts on the subject and though I didn't really answer your question, I hope I didn't waste anyone's time :)
Anybody that is truly a fan of "real" metal will know the difference between nu-metal and metal. However, I think the idea of defining metal is kind of interesting. I know it is very popular for a band to say, "I prefer not to label our music because labels limit the bands potential." But, it is interesting that fans of metal like everything from Morbid Angel, to Emperor, to Blind Guardian, to The Haunted, to Ulver (new and old), to Katatonia (new and old), to Fantomas, and so on. A lot of these bands could just as easily be categorized as something other than metal (Katatonia, Anathema, Ulver, etc.), but a lot of metal fans still claim them as their own kind. So . . . what makes a band metal. Don't throw that "I don't like to label bands" crap at me. WHAT MAKES A BAND METAL! I have previously stated my definition (see above response).
Being underground and not caring what the critics say, first and foremost.

Then of course, the instruments.

By chileanmetal's view, Slipknot is not considered metal, since it is popular. Good call
Originally posted by Kveldssanger

I agree 100%. Why do you feel the need to categorize things all the time? Does it really matter if nu-metal is metal or not? If you like the music listen to it, if you don't why waste any time on it. For example if you think Slipknot are metal will it change how you feel about their music? Either you like something or you don't. If you wait for labels to dictate your tastes then I think you're wrong in your approach of music. We listen to music, we don't listen to genres. Labels are only useful in giving a rough description of someone's music, not a measuring of their worth. There are good and bad nu metal bands, good and bad power metal bands, good and bad trip-hop bands and so on.... I think it's a waste of time and energy try to put art into categories.... These are my thoughts on the subject and though I didn't really answer your question, I hope I didn't waste anyone's time :)

Ugh, :lol: :rolleyes: Yes, you do have to label some music styles,

Heavy Metal, Pop, Rap etc. it has to be in different genres, you can't just say it's "just music" [well, you can :/]

Heavy Metal - Power, Death, Black etc. it's a different Metal style.

And yes, didn't answer my question :lol:

So, what IS Metal music?

I know the difference between Heavy Metal and Nu-Metal... :)
So, what IS Metal music?

This is something I'd like to know as well :grin: :grin: :spin: I'm not very optimistic about having the question answered though....

Being underground and not caring what the critics say, first and foremost.

So what you're basically saying that bands like Iron Maiden, Manowar or Judas Preast aren't metal, because I wouldn't exaclty call them underground...

Anybody that is truly a fan of "real" metal will know the difference between nu-metal and metal.

Well can you explain it to us not truly fans so we can understand it as well? (preferably without comments like metal is brilliant-nu metal is crap, or metal needs talented musicians-nu metal needs talented executives). I'd be in your debt... :) :) ;)

Ugh, Yes, you do have to label some music styles,
Heavy Metal, Pop, Rap etc. it has to be in different genres, you can't just say it's "just music" [well, you can :/]

Why do you have to label them? You like it it's good, you don't it's bad, simple as that

Basically what I disagree with is the obsession with labels, they are useful but tend to get out of hand after a while....
Kvedlssanger, I have never used any derogatory words toward nu-metal. That means I have never called it crap. Read all my comments on this thread, and you will know what metal is. Please don't make judgement on something until you have done the research. Nu-metal is part of the metal genre. I have simply given you a definition of metal music. Read it. Put some thought and consideration in your next comment.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
Why do you have to label them? You like it it's good, you don't it's bad, simple as that

Basically what I disagree with is the obsession with labels, they are useful but tend to get out of hand after a while....

WEll, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I prefer to labe Metal style... Death Metal, Power Metal, Black Metal, Folk Metal etc. all this is Heavy Metal... yes... but these styles are very different from each other.
The only reason to label Metal, or any music, is for communication purposes. We have general terms to describe various sounds. Instead of describing everything all the time we simply say Black or Death or Doom etc... and we all know what we're talking about. For all I care, call Emperor a "poppy daisy love" Metal band, just as long as everyone knows what your talking about.

As for nu-metal. All Metal is either Brutal or Melodic, or somewhere in between. nu-metal has very little of either aspect.
Originally posted by npearce
Kvedlssanger, I have never used any derogatory words toward nu-metal. That means I have never called it crap. Read all my comments on this thread, and you will know what metal is. Please don't make judgement on something until you have done the research. Nu-metal is part of the metal genre. I have simply given you a definition of metal music. Read it. Put some thought and consideration in your next comment.

I'm sorry if my post sounded more "agressive" than I intended it to be. The part about the crap wasn't really aimed at you but at those people who use this kind of comments in order to bash things they don't like. You've seen this kind of posts I'm sure. As for your definition of metal, which I have read :) , it's a bit generalistic in my opinion and that's the problem with all definitions of musical styles. As I said before it's useful to use labels when first introducing a band to someone in order to make him understand what's their approximate style but while being a member of this forum, I've seen threads like "Are Cradle Of Filth black metal or not?" or "Are In Flames death metal or not?". They seem pretty pointless in my opinion. I don't know if you agree but if I like In Flames it doesn't matter if they play death metal or acid jazz. I hope I clarified thins a bit and resolved any misunderstandings caused by any of my previous posts.
first off.. humans like to classify and segregate into leat, nabelled categories. It is part of our nature.. it helps us to quantify and make decisions. Thus, we split massive genres types... anyone can tell that a jazz song is not metal, or rock is not trance. WE can easily hear the differences.

So we have our "metal". this as much is true however, as music progresses, it differentiates, and forms diversify, as in an given environment. This specialisation moves the individual braches further and further apart, thus making them less of a similar entity.. they may share roots, but they are growing to be different. Now it would seem foolish to ignore new developments, would it not? Do we not all know the difference between a poodle and an alsatian?? this is because the dog form has been bred into two very individual forms. The same goes for metal. It is plainly easy to see how metal has progressed, and now we can discern many different flavours- there is not much to telling which song is power metal and which one is black They have evolved their own individual song structures, vocal styles, lyrical contents, and followings. One who likes the music of Edguy may totally reject the music of Nile, and vice versa. Ergo, classification into seperate genres helps us make intelligent decisions about the music- which types we like, if another band will be appealing to us, and so forth. If we had no different terms for grindcore and melodic folk style metal, it would be quite hard to judge if i would like any given band.. imagine this...

"hi mate, i just heard this wicked new band!"

"really? what are they like?"

"oh, they are.. metal!"
as you see, we are not allowed seperate genres withnin metal here. Cue friend no 2. turning the music on only to hear pounding blastbeats and 3 layers of black metal howling, and quickly turns it off. We have our seperate genres within metal so this does not occur. minor disticntions , like melodic power metal, gothenburg death.. etc. helps us further.

And for nu metal vs metal......

Nu metal is in fact NOT metal. It comes from the seeds grown in grunge- the angsty self-involved lyrical content, the "sludgy" quality, and the more basic chord structure. It also borrows heavily from hiphop beats, and also integrating rap andthe use of turntables. That Nu- metal had a guise of blackness and scaryness made it appear to the average layperson that it was in fact derived from the previous lot of "devil musicians", ie.e. Heavy Metal. It is a similar case with the Racoon... it looks like a little forest dwelling character who might be closely related to foxes, but is in fact derived from the same evolutionary branches as the Panda. A false appearance led to the misleading name" nu-metal"... Grungecore might have been more appropriate?

Anyway.. that is enough from me. i hope i answered some queries