Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees
Difference between metal and nu-metal? Talent...![]()
Originally posted by chileanmetal
Well, I've said this before, and I'll still say this, if somebody agrees with my thought:
All of this "define this, define that" is wrong. the only thing you do is put a label on a band.
For example: A new band appears. "What kind of music do they play?" "Well, they are transmetal proggresive grindcore. And deathcore" ??????!!!!!
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I agree 100%. Why do you feel the need to categorize things all the time? Does it really matter if nu-metal is metal or not? If you like the music listen to it, if you don't why waste any time on it. For example if you think Slipknot are metal will it change how you feel about their music? Either you like something or you don't. If you wait for labels to dictate your tastes then I think you're wrong in your approach of music. We listen to music, we don't listen to genres. Labels are only useful in giving a rough description of someone's music, not a measuring of their worth. There are good and bad nu metal bands, good and bad power metal bands, good and bad trip-hop bands and so on.... I think it's a waste of time and energy try to put art into categories.... These are my thoughts on the subject and though I didn't really answer your question, I hope I didn't waste anyone's time![]()
So, what IS Metal music?
Being underground and not caring what the critics say, first and foremost.
Anybody that is truly a fan of "real" metal will know the difference between nu-metal and metal.
Ugh, Yes, you do have to label some music styles,
Heavy Metal, Pop, Rap etc. it has to be in different genres, you can't just say it's "just music" [well, you can :/]
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
Why do you have to label them? You like it it's good, you don't it's bad, simple as that
Basically what I disagree with is the obsession with labels, they are useful but tend to get out of hand after a while....
Originally posted by npearce
Kvedlssanger, I have never used any derogatory words toward nu-metal. That means I have never called it crap. Read all my comments on this thread, and you will know what metal is. Please don't make judgement on something until you have done the research. Nu-metal is part of the metal genre. I have simply given you a definition of metal music. Read it. Put some thought and consideration in your next comment.