Metalcore Soudcheck w/ Guitar Rig 2


New Metal Member
May 28, 2008
I just started mixing songs, so heres my newest mixdown:

Guitars are Guitar Rig 2, drums SuperDrumFx and bass is Guitar Pro unfortunately because i didnt have any better alternatives.
At the moment im trying to get as much practice with mixing, because me and my band are planing to record an EP diy, therefore im glad for everyone who can tell me what and how to do better!
Thanks in advance
Hey dude, I think the kicks are too loud, very overpowering. Drop them a bit. The snare sound is umm, I'm not sure how to explain it, it needs more crack to it, it just has no balls and it's very sizzly:S
Sorry only way to put it that I could think of. The guitar's sound decent, they could be a little brighter because it's a little mushy at the moment.
Over all though you are off to a good start dude!
That's all I can think of so far!

Good luck with it