
Is there actually ANY good metalcore? All I've heard is pretty much garbage, at least compared to some solid DM or BM. No comparison really...

Though granted, all I've heard are KSE, A7x and some random bands my cousin likes. I just don't know why I should bother looking into some bastardized metal form.
all pure metalcore (not deathcore) I have heard is complete and utter shit

it sounds like groove metal + pop music verse/chorus/verse structure + emo clean singing + terrible attempt at harsh singing
Is there actually ANY good metalcore? All I've heard is pretty much garbage, at least compared to some solid DM or BM. No comparison really...

Though granted, all I've heard are KSE, A7x and some random bands my cousin likes. I just don't know why I should bother looking into some bastardized metal form.

Awwww, it looks like the baby is trying to be tr00 :lol:
People also like to use the term to mean "shit". "Nu-metal" and "Emo" are other terms that have suffered the same fate. Whether the band are any of these three styles is mostly irrelevant apparently.
There is no difference between metalcore and 'deathcore' because metalcore is a blanket term used to describe almost any mixture of modern -core styles and metal. Anyway the best 'metalcore' bands with a large DM/grind influence are Ion Dissonance and Crowpath, stuff like The Red Chord is fine but those two bands are in a different league.

My other favourites are Converge, Keelhaul, Curl Up and Die, Dillinger, Botch, 7 Angels 7 Plagues, (early) Cave In, Taint and Swarm of the Lotus.
Unearth are a good example of the side of metalcore I don't listen to (Slaughter of the Soul with added hardcore) and I recommend anyone who thinks that sound is representative of all metalcore to check out the bands I listed.