the new The Human Abstract leaked. I just started listening to it, and it's pretty good.
I've been listening to Botch, Converge, Poison the Well and 7 Angels 7 Plagues recently. Don't really see myself exploring the genre any further though. must be kidding? Midheaven is probably one of the most disappointing sophomore releases I've ever heard. I mean their debut wasn't amazing either, but it was decent at least, and underneath all the wanking and sweeping you could see they have potential cuz they're good musicians. On Midheaven it all went waaay down the fucking drain...terrible production, terrible songwriting, the guitarist can't even play the sweeps and the singer somehow got even worse. I'm sorry if I come off as an asshole with my response, but I just can't express my disappointment with this album in any other manner lol.
I've been listening to Botch, Converge, Poison the Well and 7 Angels 7 Plagues recently. Don't really see myself exploring the genre any further though.
Um, Veil Of Maya are terrible. They are not even in league of good metalcore bands.
Listening to them now. Pro Tools must be their best friend.
Like I have told you before, they come from right where I live and play in the same scene as all the local bands including Oceano, and all I can say is they sound the fucking same. The whole spastic and techy but still catchy while we do our cool breakdown dance is lame. They have good playing skills and maybe if they tried to be different than they could achieve something interesting.
The Faceless rules you gay.
Like I have told you before, they come from right where I live and play in the same scene as all the local bands including Oceano, and all I can say is they sound the fucking same. The whole spastic and techy but still catchy while we do our cool breakdown dance is lame. They have good playing skills and maybe if they tried to be different than they could achieve something interesting.