Metalheads are dumb?


New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2013
If you ask a metalhead to name a hardcore band at least 90% of them will say something like Emmure or Asking Alexandria. Especially the ones that argue about which subgenre is the most br00tal on the internet.

if you can't tell washed down wiggercore metal from punk you're probably dumb
A BFMV song came on my iPod when playing a shuffle-guessing game today, and one of the main riffs reminded me of Heathen's Rage. It was a pretty decent song.
A BFMV song came on my iPod when playing a shuffle-guessing game today, and one of the main riffs reminded me of Heathen's Rage. It was a pretty decent song.

w0w you like heathens rage too? i like almost all speed metal.

I'm not trying to be a dickhead but it seems like almost every metalhead you'll encounter on the internet is a moron who doesn't even want to be open minded.
1/10 for making me reply

Couple things:

You ARE trying to be a dickhead.

WAHHHH metalheads don't like what I like.

obvious troll couldn't be more obvious.
Anyone who calls themselves a "metalhead" is a fucking retard. Metal fans on the other hand are highly intelligent beings. Go suck on that one, lame-o troll.
Honestly I didn't know music taste determined intelligence. I don't know if I consider myself a "metalhead" but metal fan and metalhead are the same fucking thing.
Music taste doesn't necessarily determine intelligence but a majority of the metal fans I know are smart cookies. Calling yourself a metalhead just sort of seems like a dumbed down classification. When I hear the term "metalhead", I think of the movie Heavy Metal Parking Lot.
Well you're technically a metalhead so...

People that claim to be a metalhead aren't as bad as people who claim to be open-minded, those people are just the fucking worst.
I think the term 'metalhead' is kind of silly but if someone asked me if I was one, I certainly wouldn't reply back "No, I'm a fan of heavy metal".
I would answer "no, I'm not a metalhead" and spit in his face. And then a kick to the balls and then a new face with a knife and let him bleed on the ground and then a grenade in his mouth.