Metallica and Guns n' Roses to play together again??

dont know, the page took too long to load, even with my highspeed. my puter is shit though. As far as if they are, lord I hope not. I still have a grain of respect left for Met's. Guns N Roses licked balls from the beginning, never did like them.
How did Placebo get a bigger billing than Tool, Motorhead, Live, Alice in Chains(?), well half the bands on the lower part.
i dunno if that things bullshit or not, maybe they are touting anyone right now, cos i dont see how are alice in chains are playing........the only time the guys have even got close to being alice again was a year ago ( almost to the day) i'd love to see those guys doing something again, but i would have thought it would be all over the place if they were playing again

g n r might play some dates, but they'll get cancelled so axl can fully concentrate making what must be the longest album recording in the history of music.......
they should play together again. Lars and Axl can play hookey and suck eachother off why their bands are left wondering what the hell to do.

GNR is not GNR anymore - it's Axl and some guys.

Metallica - well, I guess they are still the same people as they were way back when, but, I'd argue if they are the same band or not.

I say go for it, I could use a good laugh.
How many albums has Boston put out while Axl's been working on "Chinese Democracy"?

I think the only reason anyone will buy it will be to hear what kind of a train wreck G 'n' R have become. (Buckethead? I know he's not in the band anymore, but give me a fuckin' break...) And I'll admit - I'll be in line to check the disc out when (if ever) it arrives.

Only way Metallica and G 'n' R will tour together again is if certain cities have enough riot gear for the cops.
I figured this thread would be full of Metallica bashing. And I'm glad it's not because Metallica bashing is older than Moses.
yeah but Lars is a Douche, sorry, I will never stop!!

Anyway, I don't really like GNR that much - never did. I love slash, but, he has poor choice in band mates. Well, atleast frontmen - Duff is cool in my book too.
Actually, Alice In Chains is playing in Las Vegas coming up with Heart, believe it or not, for some benefit. Not too sure of the date though, but I know it's within the next few months.
DeathsHead said:
PLease explain this

I probably could've worded it better but the point is Scott Weiland wanted to start a radio-friendly hit-making rock group and got the guys from guns and roses, which lessens the chance of the original GNR ever reuniting.
And come to think of it, i wouldn't be interested to see what the new GNR OR Metallica has to offer live these days. So this thread, eventually, does nothing for me.