Well, to disappoint the DFHS vs. BFD guys on both sides:
a) I don't like any of the demos that I heard of BFD. Even the ones I heard from the official BFD site don't convince me at all.
b) The snare sound on my demo are actually samples from Metallica's black album mixed with the DFHS DW Snare and Andy's snare sample. This kinda made me chuckle at all the "The drums sound NOTHING like the Black Album" comments ... Maybe you want to A/B it again against Sad But True ...
So this really means that the main sounds coming from DFHS are hats and cymbals in the demo. I even added Andy's tom samples for additional attack to my tom breaks. This kinda made me chuckle at all the "The drums sound NOTHING like the Black Album" comments ...
Both products are just tools and an idiot with no skill won't get any good sounds out of either product. I am still not happy with the tom sounds, but then again I am looking for a very specific tom sound (Vinnie Paul's toms on "Vulgar ..." or Chris Kontos' sound on "Burn My Eyes") which I can't get from any of the drum programs.
The snares on DFHS sound too wimpy for me, no matter how I tweak them. I noticed that after substituting with the Metallica snare that really has more meat to it. It's a sound I really like ...

The kicks on DFHS sound very good to me. I can get cool sounds there without layering.
Overall I am happy with a combo of samplelayers in Battery and DFHS, because of the versatility and "human feel" that I get from the left/right hand hits on DFHS and the cymbals/hihats with the automatic alternation.
If now I would only get the damn toms right ...