Metallica Fuckin Blows

Pffffff, you're a bunch of gey-pooin sissies:

The Fuck You Song
by Cunning Linguist

All around this great big world
every where you turn
there seems to be some Gonad
who wants to watch you crash and burn
I tell you right now I've had it
I can't think of a better way
to get this shit off of my chest
there's something I just gotta say

Fuck You !
Yeah you- the idiot that pulls out on the freeway doing 35
Fuck You !
Yeah you the guy that changes lanes right in front of me without so much as a turn signal for warning
Fuck You !
Yeah just because you drive a "Beemer" don't mean you own the road
Fuck You !
And get off that car phone . . . either talk or drive its obvious you cant do both
Fuck You !
Yeah you mechanics that take advantage of a persons unfamiliarity with autos and turn 50 dollar jobs into 500 dollar jobs.
Fuck You !

Yeah you the guy who hits on my date when I'm in the bathroom
Fuck You !
You fine young thing wont give me the time of day cuz ya think you're too good for me

Fuck You !
Yeah you the guy who thinks she owes you some panty just because you bought her a beer
Fuck You !
Yeah you the guy that makes sexual innuendoes and advances on women without any regard for them as a person
Fuck You !
Yeah you women that use any sexual excuse no matter how lame to dominate the male just because you can and you like it
Fuck You !
Hey you ex wives that use the kids like weapons to inflict pain and show power over your ex-husband without any regard to the kids
Fuck You !
Yeah and then you brag to all your friends how you screwed your ex into paying all the credit, medical, and tax bills and lawyer bills on top of child support
Fuck you !
Yeah and then you go on Oprah and tell the world what a deadbeat all ex-husbands are because he cant pay the child support
Fuck You !

Yeah you daycare people who molest and brutalize our children and make it difficult for kids to trust anyone
Fuck You !
Yeah you scumsucking pussbags that steal little kids, rape them and then kill them so they wont tell anyone about the sick stuff you did to them
Fuck You !
Yeah you bleeding heart - dirty laundry peddling - meddling - turbosick talkshow hosts who make a fortune showing peoples suffering on tv
Fuck You !

All around this great big world
now matter who you be
there seem to be some yo-yo
who lives to mess with you and me
Now I don't really go for fightin'
and I hate it when people swear
But if I'm really burned and have to choose
Then I'm afraid this is what you'll hear

Fuck You !

Yeah you the girl who cuts to the front of lines with just a quick question for twenty minutes
Fuck You !Yeah I'm talkin to you the guy who thinks rules apply to everybody but themselves
Fuck You !
Yeah you the girl who when it says take one you take em all
Fuck You !
The customer that complains about shit just to get your butt kissed and get free stuff. You end up getting good people in trouble in the process.
Fuck You !
Yeah you the person who comes into a business five minutes before closing and doesn't ever leave.
Fuck You !
Hey you penny-antie Rock Star who has a disagreement with someone and then records a 12 minute whiner song called "Step in the Ring"
Fuck You !
Yeah you meathead with the 27 items in the 9 items or less cash only line
Fuck You !
Yeah and you pay with a third party personal check too- what you the only guy in line that cant read
Fuck You !
Yeah and why don't you get all your kids together in one place and shut em up they're driven everyone crazy
Fuck You !

All around this great big world
now matter who you be
there seem to be some yo-yo
who lives to mess with you and me
Now I don't really go for fightin'
and I hate it when people swear
But if I'm really burned and have to choose
Then I'm afraid this is what you'll hear

Fuck You !
Yeah you scumbag that breaks into peoples houses & steals the stuff people worked long and hard for just because your too lazy or selfish to get a job
Fuck You !
Yeah and you probably blame your lack of anything on society so its your right to take what should have been yours
Fuck You !
Hey you Salesmen that know something's not worth a plug nickel but take peoples last dime just so they can make a buck
Fuck You !
Hey you IRS that waits until after you've filed your taxes to tell you what you cant claim instead of coming right out and telling you all the nifty little ways you can make your tax bill smaller before you file.
Fuck You !
Yeah you people that sell senior citizens insurance or savings plans and then bankrupt the company or otherwise disappear into thin air leaving them poor , old and vulnerable
Fuck you !
Yeah and you hospitals that charge 250 dollars a night for a hard bed and the worst food in town just so a nurse can shove a cold thermometer up your butt
Fuck You !
Shit for that kind of money I can get a room at the Fairmont , a fifty dollar hooker and I can shove my thermometer up the nurses butt

Fuck You !
Yeah you club owners that are too narrow minded to let us play this song
Fuck You !
Yeah you people who don't have any opinions about anything at all
Fuck You !
Yeah you guys that always find something to complain about...
Fuck You !
too long!!!
you fucking fucker...stop fucking with the fucking fuck you song!
it is too fucking long..ok?

Are their any moderators in this forum AT ALL? If their are they fucking suck.

again with that!!???
who the fuck started it?
close the fucking thread now