Metallica just became more awesome tonight

agreed, and that is why thrash is awesome live, but on the record it gets boring fast with a few exceptions like testament and sepultura (they are kinda in the death/thrash thingy, especially with arise, and more with thrash/groove/hardcore on chaos ad)
both those bands are overproduced. i tolerate most of testament's career and only celebrate maybe 15% max.

sepultura i just can't stand. they don't have a fucking clue what a vocal melody is.
but they don't really need to. I mean death metal was never about vocal melodies imho. for me the riffs and the attitude behind the music make up for it big time.
I can't buy into that shit. Pioneers like Death, Possessed, Emperor, Bathory... even back to Motorhead and Venom. These guys knew they were in a genre that's limiting their audience but they still made vocal melodies that worked because ultimately, they knew they were making MUSIC.
Music doesn't have to be melodic you know. Music is about getting the point across. Sepultura succeeds in doing that. I don't give that much of a fuck about melodies in general, but a good, well placed melody can win a bunch, but so can a dissonant pissed off riff or lead. obviously sepultura's music is more riff oriented than vocally oriented.
i will say rip50, that nwobhm will only take you so far. it's a genre that's rich in great music, but ultimately and probably, it won't do as much as metallica does for you. there's only so much to appreciate from one source of metallica's influence. keep in mind they were also influenced by a lot of 70's rock, most likely. and there's some tremendous gold in that genre.
This Godless Endeavor opens with three pretty good songs, My Acid Words being great, but the rest has that same random feel, especially the last track, which sounds improvised. AND ENOUGH SWEEPING. Fuck, Rusty cooley is boring enough...let him stay on the Internet and out of Nevermore.

tge is brilliant all the way. The riffs and warrel's work make up for the tiny portion lost by the imperfect flow (which is pretty damn close to perfection)
I think the sweeps in TGE are actually dead on in that context, and so is the shred in the born solo or final product. However, i detest the soloing on EoR minus the title track, voyager and who decides for the reason that it is filled with mindless shred that doesn't fit there.

Yes, i agree, cooley and most shredders in generals are gay and have done nothing more inventive than going ape shit on certain scales and rip off classical composers. (jazz shredders, and marc rizzo exculded). this is what i fear most about broderick joining the band or jeff not having a cohort in the studio, mindless shred. Both calvert and smyth didn't go ape shit on solos, and loomis was very creative around them. Steve's work on tge was a breath of fresh air to Loomis' soloing.
I Just Want To Celebrate (Rare Earth)
Please Don't Judas Me (Nazareth)
I'm Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage)
Brothers In Arms (Dire Straits)
Disposable Hereos
All Within My Hands
Turn The Page
Nothing Else Matters

This setlist is fucking random and I love it.

We get wet over entry-level 'music theory' and how Metallica integrated... things that aren't the pentatonic scale to make a 'massive architecture'. And Judas Priest... 'not at all'.

Right-o. Kind of like how my third-grade teacher was the most amazing mathematician ever, and Gauss was a hack who didn't really invent anything. Or how that guy Jonathan Swift has nothing on Al Franken, who is clearly one of the greatest satirists to ever exist.

Seriously... when the fuck am I going to get to post something that isn't sarcasm here?


We get wet over entry-level 'music theory' and how Metallica integrated... things that aren't the pentatonic scale to make a 'massive architecture'. And Judas Priest... 'not at all'.

Right-o. Kind of like how my third-grade teacher was the most amazing mathematician ever, and Gauss was a hack who didn't really invent anything. Or how that guy Jonathan Swift has nothing on Al Franken, who is clearly one of the greatest satirists to ever exist.

Seriously... when the fuck am I going to get to post something that isn't sarcasm here?
