Metallica just became more awesome tonight

I still have yet to see a band with this same high degree of self-conscious playfulness, self-conscious recasting of the same material within one song. I hope to find the roots of this in the stuff Retarded Penguin has recommended.

Hetfield was too drunk in those times to be self conscious about what music he was writting, hammett and urlich were high on cocaine, while burton was always stoned.

They got their high standard of musicality and quality because as james put it in an interview last year, any riff that was subpar was thrown away. Moreover, back in the day there was a chemistry between them, they were so close they shared pussy among them, talked about it, and then wrote music. I jsut had a revelation: when you write music with someone while you two are gangbanging some chick, the music you write tends to be good. Proof: old metallica, and old slayer, old sepultura, etc. they all shared pussy i think. Metallica surely did, hammett and hetfield confirmed it in an interview. Pussy is more important in writting music than theory!
Uh, put down the crack pipe. Seriously. I hate what they've become, but there was no more influential metal band from the '80s - not even Maiden, which is saying something.
There are different divisions of metal. If you take all the pop bands everyone KNOWS and therefore sees interviews and shit about, metallica probably comes out on top as more of an influence.

But the bands most don't know, like all of barbarian wrath and probably half of nuke blast and CM... those bands will probably claim maiden or bathory or something NOT metallica as a larger influence. Shit, Maiden, Priest, Motorhead? They're a huge reason the NWOBHM movement and all early power metal movements started. Hell, Metallica didn't really start having an impact on influence till the mid to late 90's.
But the bands most don't know, like all of barbarian wrath and probably half of nuke blast and CM... those bands will probably claim maiden or bathory or something NOT metallica as a larger influence. Shit, Maiden, Priest, Motorhead? They're a huge reason the NWOBHM movement and all early power metal movements started. Hell, Metallica didn't really start having an impact on influence till the mid to late 90's.

Metallica started having an influence almost immediately, even before their worldwide popularity. Slayer has stated in interviews that their sound changed after seeing Metallica, as has Anthrax. Metal in general moved in a much "harder" direction in the late '80s, and while Metallica didn't invent the sound/style, they carried it to the masses.

I'd be VERY hard-pressed to find a CM or NB band that doesn't have at least a non-direct Metallica influence (i.e., they were influenced by a band that was influenced by Metallica originally, like Possessed or Morbid Angel.) Band influence cycles are WAY shorter than you're supposing, in my experience.

I am hardly the biggest Metallica fan on the planet, but to deny their overwhelming influence on "modern" metal is like trying to say that Sabbath and Priest's 70s work had no influence on metal in the '80s.
well yeah, win every argument by resorting to indirect influence.

real influence is the band that causes you to seek other people to play music with you. metallica wasn't associated with a real genre (one with history and substance). they weren't thrash, doom, power, black, death. they were a band people dug, got into metal with, which led to the different genres. the bands that cite them as main influences ARE modern, and as i said are pop/lame/boring.
well yeah, win every argument by resorting to indirect influence.

real influence is the band that causes you to seek other people to play music with you. metallica wasn't associated with a real genre (one with history and substance). they weren't thrash, doom, power, black, death. they were a band people dug, got into metal with, which led to the different genres. the bands that call them influences ARE modern, and as i said are pop/lame/boring.

Ah, revisionist history makes me chuckle. Indirect influence is what it's all about - if you only count direct influences, you're missing the bigger picture. It's what makes Sabbath the single most influential metal band - really the progenitors of everything metal.

Truly influential (or original, though Metallica weren't as much inventors in the beginning as really, really good compositors) bands usually don't fit easily into the modern marketing machine's "genre categorization". Since Metallica popularized the "Bay Area Thrash" sound throughout the underground in the U.S. and Europe, I'd say it's pretty easy to say which genre "with history and substance" (to quote the load of bunk you spilled above) they started out in. The fact that they moved beyond that doesn't remove it's relevance.

I can also turn your own argument on it's head - Metallica was influential ACROSS various sub-genres. It's virtually impossible to find a thrash, death or modern power metal band (I exclude Euro-power, since the American thrash scene was only an influence on Helloween from the speed side of the coin for the most part) that doesn't trace some influence back to the first four Metallica albums. It's also difficult to find a late '90s "heavy radio" band (Godsmack, for a good example) that wasn't directly influenced by TBA, no matter how marginal I feel it was compared to their early material.
The bigger picture is a joke. The bigger picture ignores the bands that really made an impact on the successor's material. The big picture says Sabbath > Maiden > Metallica > Iced Earth or Trivium

Something like that. The names that surfaced due to happenstance/marketing/sales. Bay area thrash is fucking dumb. It was like a dozen bands, at most, in an area at a certain time. Hardly a genre. Most of those bands (slayer, exodus, for example) just crossed into pure thrash. Bay Area thrash is basically another word for angry pop metal. It's metal with a hook. It's closest to american power metal, I suppose. But that's such a hazy genre label that I rarely recognize it as anything with substance/history, since it's metal. with a hook. It's metal bands writing catchy, good music. It can't just be immediately traced to metallica as a main influence. Not like doom can with sabbath or black can with venom.

Just because people LIKE metallica's albums doesn't mean it influences them. As for Godsmack, they may have dug TBA, but it's clear as fucking day they were influenced by AIC.

all i'm saying, is that all doom/black/death/europower/melodeath:
those bands all may have gotten into metal because of metallica, but there's clearly another band shaping the direction of their material.
This is almost the stupidest thread in the history of internet forums.

Is there even anything left of this dead horse to kick anymore?
all i'm saying, is that all doom/black/death/europower/melodeath:
those bands all may have gotten into metal because of metallica, but there's clearly another band shaping the direction of their material.
The whole idea of a musician being influenced is to do things in his own way based on what he knows and likes. It's a combination of EVERYTHING that influences the musician.

Your points aren't making one lick of sense, dude.
The whole idea of a musician being influenced is to do things in his own way based on what he knows and likes. It's a combination of EVERYTHING that influences the musician.

Your points aren't making one lick of sense, dude.
You can't shift what's readily available into what's influential.
This is almost the stupidest thread in the history of internet forums.

Is there even anything left of this dead horse to kick anymore?
And this is such fucking cunting bullshit. People can't discuss opposing opinions on a message board? Has the board simply become a medium for gathering opinions on your abilities as a photographer/picwhore/artist, or a market for friends?

Give me a fucking break.