Metallica-"Kill em All to St Anger" DVD

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
The good news is this is a DVD I highly recomend plus I'M IN IT being interviewed!It also includes alot of my footage I've shot over the years wich is gratouitusly used in this.
The bad news is I had no idea that this had been released yet & the producers promised to pay me for the use of my footage!I stumbled across it browsing through Amoeba Records the other day.
I did this stuff almost a year ago.I was wondering what was going on & why we haven't heard from them & now I'm kind of ticked as I was offered a substantial amount of money & now it's released with out my knowing & I didn't even get a couple free copies!
On the plus side it's a well done documentary critcal review of all their albums.I'm honored I'm featured along side Malcom Dome one of the foremost authorites on Heavy Metal!
My bros in bay area thrashers Heathen are interviewed as well as bay area photographer Harold O.(bass player for D.R.I.)
myslef and all the music critics are seen talking fondly of all the Metallica albums up to the black album.Alot of you Maiden fans will be pissed at my comment on "Kill 'em All" as I said the record was so Heavy It made Iron Maiden sound like the Bee Gees,and I'm sorry but it was TRUE!
Me and the other critics are all in agreement on Load,Reload & St. Anger basicly sucking.I was a bit suprised.I said some brutal stuff that didn't make the cut.I was concerened about consequences of some of the comments I made but it looks like myslef & these other professioanl rock critics were unanimous in our opinions.
I'm in another unauthorized Metallica documenatry that was callled "Dark Souls" but I think it's been rereleased under another title.I'm credited as co producer & again alot of my footage & photos re used in it.Those guys told me up front their budget only covered their travel expenses from England(the newer one I'm talking about is from a british based company also) I gladly did that DVD & donated stuff for free(not to mention it was free publicity!)I would've done the same thing for these guys also but they offered money up front to use our footage.I was even paid for my interview wich was cool(like $200) but if they'yre offering money but then go & release this behind my back with out conatcting me,that's pretty FUCKED UP!!
Mike Heenan said:
If you had a contract with them, you should sue their asses. Not sure how a verbal agreement would hold up

+1 if you have something in writing, contact them and "remind" them.

Danny rctv said:
Maiden fans will be pissed at my comment on "Kill 'em All" as I said the record was so Heavy It made Iron Maiden sound like the Bee Gees,and I'm sorry but it was TRUE!

Blasphemer!! I got news for ya', your wrong!....heee.heee… yeah.. Iron Maiden isn’t about trying to sound hard or heavy, but about being fancy, sophisticated, melodic, rhythmical, electrical, and educational; Like Judas Priest, Maiden is of the highest standards of musical excellence! Sorry but Brits are superior in that way…
Danny rctv said:
I have an e-mail from them stating that they were going to pay us $1500.

Email them a copy of their own as a "reminder".

They don't send you the money, go legal on them.

Danny Shipman "Reality Check TV Co Host" That's me!That's also me sitting next to Hetfield in that Black & White interview with my friend Andreas interviewing him.
My roomate & cohost Ace is the guy seen interviewing Kirk & also Jason.
Alot of the bootleg live footage with Dave Mustaine,Flotsam & Jetsam & the 80's era MTV interview clips came from me also.

I'd recently converted my old metallica live stuff onto DVD.So I gave the producers this old ancient video tape I've had for 20 years.Using bootleg clips are one thing.That Mustaine & Flotsam footage has been heavily bootlegged and isn't that hard to find.
But that tape had MTV interview clips I taped off the TV myself.I hope they got MTV's permission to use that stuff.The fact that so much footage in that documentary came from me means they wouldn't have alot of material to work with.They alse have a Green Day one out featuring our footage.
The other Metallica Documentary I'm in originally released as "Dark Souls" has been reissued under the title "Out of the Loop".Chuck Billy of Testament is in that one & it's pretty good.
Metallicat180 said:
That's very awesome Danny!!! :headbang:

I have to be honest tho - I didn't think much of Dark Souls. I don't even think I've watched the whole thing.

I've read alot of bad reviews of it.I'm suprised as I feel it shows a bay area thrash perspective on Metallica.
Have you seen "Metallica-Rock Warriors" that one is a piece of shit!The only credible people they interviewed were my friends Ron Quintana & Martha Hughes of Bast Magazine.Actually Martha wasn't really around in the old days but she's a true Metal chick.I'd like to find that queer from the SF Weekly who said he was suprised Metallica would relocate to SF because it's never beeen a big Metal town WTF??This is the Thrash Metal capital of the world!!The dude wasn't even around when the Metal scene started growing.The bay area had a thriving Metal scene even before Metallica got here & then exploded with tons of great bands still reviled to this day for their contributions!
Sorry, had to rant about that!