Sorry, but I cant agree with you, the Album is in no way easy accessable, its the album all the St. Anger & Black Album fans dont like because its not as listenable as MOP or the Black Album, its full of tempochanges and progressive-thrash influences, the album really is in a bad light; the new/'nu' fans can't stand its heavyness, and the oldschool fans kinda lost hope because of Cliffs dead. And they made a video for the most 'accessable' song on the album. AJFA IS not as fast MOP, but repeating themself would have been the worst they could have done.
AJFA was 'healthy evolution', not sellout or anything into this direction.
I know this album came out the year I was born, so I can't see it the way you do, but I tihnk being that young gives me the chance to see it in a more objective view.
I say...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL THEIR ALBUMS, every album gets what it deserves, and AJFA deserves more. I kinda feel sorry for this album, its the problem child between old Metallica fans and new Metallica 'fans', its the album everyone hates...-.-
(all of the above stuff is IMO)