Metallica MTV Awards

Why dont you faggets die? Please die and have ur loved ones if you have any.. Email me the location of your gravesite. so i can go deficate on it. Thnx. It would be most appreciated
I definatley think Metallicas 80s albums are the best and Black is alright and load is a good hard rock album but not metal.

However i found that S & M was pretty cool. am i the only one who thinks so?
I am glad they covered the pop songs. They played Teen Spirit and Are You Gonna Go My Way. I'd much rather hear those than that Shit Anger song. Frantic was okay...

BTW, Metallica doesn't OWN me. They don't even own their souls. They whored those out to Carson Daly and the evil MTV elves long ago...
I am still largly a Metallica fan of old. this argument is boring and will never change. So what if their music has changed. Don't listen to it if you dont like it. I dont. Dont dwell on the new stuff and just enjoy the old. JMO though
well, what can i say? i think i may have said this millions of times to my comrades at arms, but, of course, the curiousity bug bit, and here we are. all i have to say is that i never saw it and as Metalheads, we should just block mtv and anything related to that channel out of our television sets once and for all, like i did, and you know what, it made my television viewing a hell of a lot more easier, less channels to surf, and pretty much just getting rid of "dead weight" from my tv.
Metallica doing MJ Lenny Kravits & Duran Duran doesnt sound that bad. Probably quite entertaining/amusing. What MJ song did they do?
But, I did see the Metallica MTV tribute show a few months back. My god that WAS shit. Who would allow THOSE bands to cover them. Everyone involved sucked - Avril, Blink 182, Limp Bizkit etc. God. The only decent cover was Korns version of One which they then ruined by stoping before the whole ending instrumental section. WTF?! And Limp Bizkit turned Sanitarium into a whiney "just leave me alone rant". Metallica could easily have gotten anyone they want onto that show. What an embarrasement.
Yeah, but I don't think MTV would have let Anthrax, Slayer, Deicide etc. cover the songs would they? :guh:
Anyway - Metallica probably asked for those shit bands: they went on tour with Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park after all. :zombie: No doubt they'll start a CLash Of The Titans type tour with Avril, Fred and Green Day next.
Fuck em!