Response to all the Metallica bashing...

skank made some of the worst, most trend influenced attempts to defend metallica, fuck metallica, they cant live up to what they were. they can take their goddamn lamberguines and fuckin shove it
Dreamlord said:
Then perhaps they should give up those mansions, sports cars, and cash they have. Whether you like it or not, Metallica sold out in a big way.

Hell yeah!! i've been working for 10 years, 12 hours a day. But i refuse to get payed... becose i don't want to be a sellout.. i want to be real.

dude... really, go kill yourself.. ... you hate everything that its not gore or grind... whats wrong with you???
skanktrash said:
OK, this is what I say to the never ending hostility towards Metallica on this board and the Blabbermouth board, just thought I might throw my two cents in…

what you say really counts considering your just a peron who is holding your breath for years about metallica being a metal band again?

skanktrash said:
Well, I see that after Metallica releases a kick ass thrash song for the first time in 12 years

dude, the fact that you even said this reinforces what i have just said

skanktrash said:
not to mention only playing earlier stuff during the live shows

granted they did/do play their old stuff during live shows, but what does that prove, that they want to go back to a time when they were actually human beings, going back to a time when they had friends they can hang with and who really were their friends.

skanktrash said:
people are still taking the same self-absorbed whiny I-want-it-my-way attitude from when Load came out.

there is something called freedom of speech, and if you don't like what they have to say, tough shit. i am sure there are people in this board as well as many others that don't like what you just posted.

skanktrash said:
To all the people who think the new Metallica stuff is made-for-MTV nu-metal crappy piece of shit blablabla and continue to bash everything they do: just fucking admit it, Metallica's playing real metal again whether you like the music or not.

ok, here's the part where you really fucked up, metallica isn't playing real metal again, and never will. as far as bashing people, get a good look in the mirror for that subject matter.

skanktrash said:
God, I just don't get you people, Metallica comes out with a song that's fast, uses lots of double-bass, assloads of riffs both heavy and melodic, and you guys STILL bitch and moan as if it's still 1996.

you are right, you don't get it. look, its very apparent you don't know what metal is. and as far as 1996, just admit that there were plenty of independent minded humans that decided to stand up to a tyrant.

skanktrash said:
Why? OK, if you think Metallica's giving into trends, consider the fact that YOU'RE giving into the trend of bashing Metallica because they put out a couple of albums that weren't heavy enough to meet your standards.

even if someone is giving into the trend of bashing metallica, you are giving into the trend that you have no standards, which makes you into a yes-man for metallica. and its better to say something sucks than to say you like it all the while giving in like a sheep.

skanktrash said:
They never sold out, they just experimented, and to be honest, the Loads contain some of the most deepest, mature music they've ever released.

in regards to the statement metallica "selling out", i will only say that metallica sold out when they sued napster. got that, i didn't say they sold out when justice, black album, or load came out. come on, prove me to be the idiot that you claim others to be.

skanktrash said:
Have you even actually listened to the entire albums or read the lyrics? Pop-rock my ass. Metallica's music has always been about passion, and they don't give a fuck if some people slag them off just because it's the "kewl" thing to do.

obviously there are those who read the lyrics and listened to the album or at least a good portion of it. and as far as passion in metallicas music is concerned, i can only say master of puppets. by the ways, if they don't care so much, why are they claming that their new album is going back to the old stuff. i mean, i know that such methods of propaganda are widely used by the "kewl" audience (pop drones).

dude, get over yourself, just because you are a follower doesn't make you much of a leader to the subordinates you think you have. besides, at least you can say you have a mind cuz for a sheep, you did have a lot to say.
Bryant said:
I love spirituality, but don't care (to pu8t it mildly) for organized religion.


Oh yes! Spirituality is and has been one of the most important and driving factors in the evolution of society/technology. Without it we'd be in the dark.(to put it mildly also)
I really hated St. Anger and I was trying to pull through for them once again, but I was disapointed.

I have grown tired of James Hetfeilds' singing he says one line, and then its like OOOH YEAH YEAAAH! OH YEAH!!!

But perhaps its because my tastes have changed alot, though I still enjoy the older Metallica songs that have more of a melodic structure to them and not this crazy hash of everything blaring at once. A thrashy feeling...

But as Metallica would say "Fuck what you think" as they can put out whatever kind of shit they want and people will buy.
Metallica... i think now its only a legend... they shuld have stop at the Black Album.. and end their carrers as kings...

but i'm glad they didnt!!! i liked load, reload... all of their album. I listen to what i like... and i don't give a shit about peoples opinion
Hell yeah!! i've been working for 10 years, 12 hours a day. But i refuse to get payed... becose i don't want to be a sellout.. i want to be real.

good for you

dude... really, go kill yourself

you first

.. ... you hate everything that its not gore or grind

huh? where did you get that idea? seriously?

... whats wrong with you???

nothing. and you?
skanktrash said:
OK, this is what I say to the never ending hostility towards Metallica on this board and the Blabbermouth board, just thought I might throw my two cents in…

Well, I see that after Metallica releases a kick ass thrash song for the first time in 12 years, not to mention only playing earlier stuff during the live shows, people are still taking the same self-absorbed whiny I-want-it-my-way attitude from when Load came out. To all the people who think the new Metallica stuff is made-for-MTV nu-metal crappy piece of shit blablabla and continue to bash everything they do: just fucking admit it, Metallica's playing real metal again whether you like the music or not. God, I just don't get you people, Metallica comes out with a song that's fast, uses lots of double-bass, assloads of riffs both heavy and melodic, and you guys STILL bitch and moan as if it's still 1996. Why? OK, if you think Metallica's giving into trends, consider the fact that YOU'RE giving into the trend of bashing Metallica because they put out a couple of albums that weren't heavy enough to meet your standards. They never sold out, they just experimented, and to be honest, the Loads contain some of the most deepest, mature music they've ever released. Have you even actually listened to the entire albums or read the lyrics? Pop-rock my ass. Metallica's music has always been about passion, and they don't give a fuck if some people slag them off just because it's the "kewl" thing to do.

I prefer most of the stuff from Load, to St Anger, I can honestly say. St Anger is a weak, pathetic attempt at going back to a style which they don't have the stamina to perform anymore. I don't slag Metallica off, I never have. I just moved on, and stopped dwelling on the fact that their music isn't as good anymore. I agree that the whole Metallica-hating thing is tedious and pointless, but I also think that some of your claims are quite pretentious. If I could, I'd give your two cents back to you, because they have failed their purpose.
AN Honest review from

[font=Verdana,geneva,arial]St. Anger[/font]
[font=Verdana,geneva,arial]No one even remotely into music could have escaped the media blitz surrounded Metallica's new album, St. Anger. Rave after rave advance review poured in, proclaiming it to be a return to their metal glory, the greatest thing since Master Of Puppets, the sole reason to live for music fans, and the surefire way to get out those tough stains.
My story is not unique. Metallica was the band that introduced me to true heavy metal, and I listened to the first four albums religiously. Post-Black Album I felt betrayed and my love turned to hatred. I scoffed whenever they were mentioned, thought my friends and I were oh-so-witty when we referred to them as Topfortyica and Selloutica, and almost pissed myself laughing when I heard "Until It Sleeps". But deep inside I wanted to love them again. I didn't have any hopes that it would actually happen, but I really did want my Metallica back. So even though I was leery of the hype, I really wanted it to be true. And that is what disappoints me most about this album: they got my hopes up just to spit in my face again.
Is St. Anger heavier? Yes, but contrary to the millions of lemmings who will defend this abortion to the end, heaviness isn't everything. If the Black Album was dumbed down, St. Anger is clinically retarded. In the past their wimpy radio fodder had some hooks; now the hooks have been removed and replaced with nu-metal stop-start guitars and some pointless double bassing which can barely be heard over the annoying and ever-present tin can sound of Mr. Ulrich's snare. The lyrics have been no great shakes since ...And Justice For All, but now they round the bend from silly cock rock to embarrassing. The "personal" lyrics seem like they were cribbed from self-help books and dittos handed out at therapy sessions, except of course when Mr. Hetfield gets "extreme" and comes up with such classic lines as "Kill, kill, kill" in "All Within My Hands". Speaking of therapy, band therapist (yes, that's right) Phil Towle receives one of the two thank yous (the other being Bob "Bon Jovi" Rock). How sweet.
Despite all their talk of editing themselves, the songs drone on and on for an average of seven minutes when in most cases there is only two minutes of material present. This album would be stretching it at thirty minutes, so imagine what trying to sit through seventy-five minutes is like. Metallica Inc. was obviously going for a dirty production sound here; perhaps this is what they meant when they talked about an Entombed influence. Nice thought, but it doesn't fit the music. Nu-metal is supposed to be shiny and studio fresh, and despite all protests to the contrary that is what this is: a bloated, self-important nu-metal album made by a bunch of guys going through a midlife crisis.
If Metallica had wanted to make a punk album and cut down the song length by one-fifth, this might have been an interesting distraction. As it is, St. Anger is just long, dumb, and boring. I don't know what else to say, except to congratulate James, Lars, and Kirk (not Robert, because I'm sure he doesn't get a cut of the album) on receiving my money. You fooled me guys...well done.
[font=Verdana,geneva,arial]Review by Scott Wilcox
I have to say that I am one of a minority of people that actually liked the Load and Reload albums. That said, I have heard some of St. Anger and I am extremely disappointed. The songs I have heard have absolutely no direction and the drum sound is HORRIBLE. It's too bad since I was excited to hear it after some of the press had been hyping the album by saying this was supposed to be a return to their roots. If this is a return to their roots, they must have put out albums I have never heard because this shit sounds nothing like ANY of their previous material and Bob Rock should be ashamed of himself for allowing that rotten of a mix to be released....If you want to hear a great metal album that was released this year with FANTASTIC sound, go get the new Overkill (Killbox 13). In fact maybe someone should mail a copy of it to Bob Rock and Metallica and show them what a good metal record should sound like. Not this forced sounding rubbish they have unleashed upon the masses...By the way, I'm still a fan of the band and just because I'm not digging this new album does NOT mean I think they "sold out", it just means they released an album that sounds like shit...
I agree about the loads, they are good album, and contain some very epic songs, just like Maiden and no one complain about maiden.
About St-Anger... Fast? Doublekick? I have been listening to Rhapsody for around a month and this is what I call fast.

Yes St-Anger is heavy, but I personally think it lost a bit of melodies at some place, but with more listen I think I will enjoy for what it is. The only thing I will never accept is the shit production and sometimes average performance.
I downlaoded the album, i dont find it anything big compared to the old since, it kicks load and reload of any shelves and Black album just hangs in.. its great, I dont know why so much people hate it but thats just my opinion.