what's with the Pantera bashing?

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True, well, I suppose the people who can properly pull off a flame of the above mentioned kind, could infer that.
VadimVon said:
I'm glad that my home country(R) had cut off your fucking gas!
You potato-eating dickhead! Why don't the stupid ukranians make up their minds whether they're Russian or Polish?:OMG:

He's not from the Ukraine. He's a very ugly,spotty English virgin schoolboy. Look at his picture if you don't believe me - ugly, spotty little nerd.


Read. Laugh at his pretentiousness. As he says: "I’m passionate about standards, semantics and accessibility on the web. My other main area of interest is politics, which I hope to continue at undergraduate level next year."

Nice, but remember this is the guy that's got over 15,000 posts of immature smug garbage on this site.
High On Maiden said:
You fucking loser. So your argument is firstly that Maiden should split up (justify that to anyone who has seen them live recently), which is bloody irrelevant.

And then - THEN - your argument is that you beat me because GEORGE BUSH is your leader? You fucking retard.
No, you got it wrong.
Maiden shoulda quit w/ the leave of Dickinson well over a decade ago for the simple fact of not having written one good song (shit, not even one good riff) since. And also that way they wouldn't have (a)made such pricks of themselves w/ Blaze "Gayley" (b) become totally irrelevant to anyone besides hung-up fucks like you.
As far as George Bush - I hate everything he had done, every decision that he had made since his initial election. He's a disgrace. My point earlier was that the prime minister of your rotten-tooth shit hole country is nothing more than a submissive asskisser to the above-mentioned disgrace. Get it right, Sherlock!
Stormwatch said:
He's not from the Ukraine. He's a very ugly,spotty English virgin schoolboy. Look at his picture if you don't believe me - ugly, spotty little nerd.


Read. Laugh at his pretentiousness. As he says: "I’m passionate about standards, semantics and accessibility on the web. My other main area of interest is politics, which I hope to continue at undergraduate level next year."

Nice, but remember this is the guy that's got over 15,000 posts of immature smug garbage on this site.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're the man!
That kid is a sight!
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, VadimVon is possibly the stupidest person ever. It's amazing.

Dimebag's death was a Bad Thing for any number of reasons, not the least of which was the death of a guy who meant something to a lot of people. But does that mean I have to like or even respect Pantera? No, it does. Because they were a shitty, derivative, unintereting jock rock abortion of a band when he was alive, and they're still a shitty, derivative uninteresting jock rock abortion of a band. Cowboys From Hell is their only good album, and that's because it's basically the lost Exhorder album. Dimebag was a tremendous lead player, no denying that, but his riffs post-Cowbows were really fucking stupid, and the riff is the backbone of traditional heavy metal and the things it has spawned.

So to answer the original question, people bash Pantera because their music sucks and any number of stupid people will leap to their defense, which is entertaining.
Pyrus said:
Wow, VadimVon is possibly the stupidest person ever. It's amazing.

Dimebag's death was a Bad Thing for any number of reasons, not the least of which was the death of a guy who meant something to a lot of people. But does that mean I have to like or even respect Pantera? No, it does. Because they were a shitty, derivative, unintereting jock rock abortion of a band when he was alive, and they're still a shitty, derivative uninteresting jock rock abortion of a band. Cowboys From Hell is their only good album, and that's because it's basically the lost Exhorder album. Dimebag was a tremendous lead player, no denying that, but his riffs post-Cowbows were really fucking stupid, and the riff is the backbone of traditional heavy metal and the things it has spawned.

So to answer the original question, people bash Pantera because their music sucks and any number of stupid people will leap to their defense, which is entertaining.
Glad that you're amazed, you fucking poser.
Now go put your dick back into your mom's cooch.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Yet one more reason why Blaphbee should fellate a shotgun.

Awesome.. did you pick that isult up from the AOL metal chat you frequent? Fucking clone, get an identity.

Pyrus said:
Wow, VadimVon is possibly the stupidest person ever. It's amazing.

Dimebag's death was a Bad Thing for any number of reasons, not the least of which was the death of a guy who meant something to a lot of people. But does that mean I have to like or even respect Pantera? No, it does. Because they were a shitty, derivative, unintereting jock rock abortion of a band when he was alive, and they're still a shitty, derivative uninteresting jock rock abortion of a band. Cowboys From Hell is their only good album, and that's because it's basically the lost Exhorder album. Dimebag was a tremendous lead player, no denying that, but his riffs post-Cowbows were really fucking stupid, and the riff is the backbone of traditional heavy metal and the things it has spawned.

So to answer the original question, people bash Pantera because their music sucks and any number of stupid people will leap to their defense, which is entertaining.

well put man. You dont like the power metal album? Thought it was humorous and grows on you.
I dont mind if someones says i dont like pantera...

But do you really have to go around bashing someone that got brutally fucken murdered?

God damn, you fucken fags hear someone else bashing dimebag and say, "hey its cool to say dimebag sux! i think ill say it too."

Get a fucking life and stop trying to argue with people that appreciate his work.
Hey Fishlips Is God guy, I put forth to you the question: why do YOU get butthurt when people say "Pantera fucking sucks"? I don't have to think Dimebag's murder was a good thing to hold the opinion that his music was shitty.

Nag–don't really like it much, nah, though I haven't listened to it for a couple years.
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