Response to all the Metallica bashing...


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2002
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OK, this is what I say to the never ending hostility towards Metallica on this board and the Blabbermouth board, just thought I might throw my two cents in…

Well, I see that after Metallica releases a kick ass thrash song for the first time in 12 years, not to mention only playing earlier stuff during the live shows, people are still taking the same self-absorbed whiny I-want-it-my-way attitude from when Load came out. To all the people who think the new Metallica stuff is made-for-MTV nu-metal crappy piece of shit blablabla and continue to bash everything they do: just fucking admit it, Metallica's playing real metal again whether you like the music or not. God, I just don't get you people, Metallica comes out with a song that's fast, uses lots of double-bass, assloads of riffs both heavy and melodic, and you guys STILL bitch and moan as if it's still 1996. Why? OK, if you think Metallica's giving into trends, consider the fact that YOU'RE giving into the trend of bashing Metallica because they put out a couple of albums that weren't heavy enough to meet your standards. They never sold out, they just experimented, and to be honest, the Loads contain some of the most deepest, mature music they've ever released. Have you even actually listened to the entire albums or read the lyrics? Pop-rock my ass. Metallica's music has always been about passion, and they don't give a fuck if some people slag them off just because it's the "kewl" thing to do.
skanktrash said:
God, I just don't get you people, Metallica comes out with a song that's fast, uses lots of double-bass, assloads of riffs both heavy and melodic

So does Slipknot and they still suck. What's your point?

OK, if you think Metallica's giving into trends, consider the fact that YOU'RE giving into the trend of bashing Metallica because they put out a couple of albums that weren't heavy enough to meet your standards.

This is possibly one of the weakest arguments ever conceived by a human brain. So by this, you're saying that anyone that doesn't like Metallica's music and says that it blows the big one, is giving in to a trend? Have you ever thought that maybe these people may actually dislike the music?

They never sold out

Then perhaps they should give up those mansions, sports cars, and cash they have. Whether you like it or not, Metallica sold out in a big way.

they just experimented

:lol: They experimented for three albums?

Metallica's music has always been about passion

At least the first four albums were about passion. Ever since then, Metallica's music has been about money.

and they don't give a fuck if some people slag them off just because it's the "kewl" thing to do.

OK. So then why do you care?
1. I found Load to be pretty good and am not biased.
2. The song "St. Anger" sounds just how I described and non-hype, non biased reviews have also backed this up, so there is really no question as to how it sounds..The song is what it is. It's a step to the old style while keeping a firm foot in what's popular.
3. On this board and other boards, the threads read like this:

"St. Anger sample!"
"St. Anger sample! (2)"
"St. Anger sample!!1 (3)"
"Omg.. St. Anger.. Wtf"
"To all the Metallica lovers.."
"To all the Metallica haters..."
"The return of Metallica!"
"Metallica still sucks"
"The new Metallica"
"What does everyone think of St. Anger?"
"A review of St. Anger"
"A review of St. Anger (2)"

etc etc etc

Come on, people. When every third thread or so is taken up by a dead discussion of a band that most people here don't even care for anymore I would say that's pretty sad, and that's fact that has zilch to do with whether or not you're a Tallica fan. Why don't people go to the n00b section of the Metallica board if they wanna discuss the same exact stuff over and over every day? I hate it when if a band has a new album there are always some people that suddenly have this mindset that there are no other bands in existence or something.
nergal_S said:
Who cares what you think, you listin to Ska.

Do us all a favor and kill your self and the rest of your kind.
The guy who posted this thread is an idiot but so are you for a reply like that. And I hate ska.
What part of "the song is awful" don't you understand?:loco:

Perhaps its my ridiculously high standard,that bands should make "good" songs,instead of half-assed garbage.

Oh,I must add that Lars is still a horrible drummer.
Frankly I am shocked there are still Metallica-metal fans out there- I applaud your loyalty, but not your loss of musical taste- as well as lack of respect for the non nu metal - metal community.

Metallica has not progressed or matured in these last 13 years- they have become lazy rich pigs. Load is a lame attempt to incorporate rock into watered down metal- musically they are not in top form- they start becoming lazy- especially Lars, and Kirk.- although Hetfield did sing with a bit of passion I must say. Reload was another even worse attempt to incorporate grunge into watered down metal- and I m sorry but it was awful- I cant think of one musically redeeming moment on that album. St. Ange from the 2 songs I've heard- is nu-metal- and it sucks- Lars sucked on the St. Anger song, I didnt hear a solo, and the songs were simplistic- suck, suck, suck.

So, instead of maturing, they have regressed- Load was at least a attempt to try Rock- but Reload and Load are shameless attempts to capitalize on music trends.

Metallica started trends up through the black album, they were on the cutting edge- the raw thrash of Kill em All, the godliness of Master, to the intricacy and technicality, as well as different sound of Justice, to the ballad like pop metal of Black. Now they are fat lazy pigs- and I will proudly download their new album, and give it to whomever wants it.
And another thing- Does one notice that there is a decent size ultra pro metallica group of metal fans? THey are much like ultra conservatives or ultra- liberals- and even more interesting is the fact they really dont listen to any decent metal- maybe some megadeth- but mostly new stuff that is on the radio. One cannot reason with these people, one would think hearing The Memory Remains more than once would be enough to wake them from their madness.
There's an awful lot of hostility here over a mere conflict of opinions regarding one band. It's pretty petty and downright pointless. Normally I just avoid threads that are of no interest to me and leave it at that, but it's getting increasingly difficult to ignore threads like these when they continue to multiply. It seems that every other thread being started is about Metallica. If you like them - why do you care if a bunch of total strangers don't, and vice versa. What difference does it make?

Everyone here needs to bear in mind that this is a FORUM - a platform for the proclamation and expression of individual views and opinions. I've only been a member here for a few months, but I've noticed that the majority of people here seem capable of lucid, stimulating discussions, which is why this recent rash of venom spewing is a little puzzling. If you can't respect the views of others, you are clearly in the wrong place. A healthy, intellectual debate is a good thing, but all I'm seeing in these recent Metallica threads is mindless, back-and-forth rhetoric and it's really wearing thin. :zzz:
Here is my opinion:

Several former metal masters including Dio, Metallica and Queensryche (among others) have released poor CDs that fail miserably compared to their prime releases in my ears. I don't mind giving a negative opinion on those release after I have given them a fair shake if it is in the context of the post.
Of course I have much better things to do than to go on and on about how bad "band X" is, but that is just me. My particular personality is that of an optimist and I would rather talk about things I like, not things I dislike.
Having said that, this is a forum that is based around metal music with some facts, but mostly opinions. You can believe that I am far from impressed about two word replies like "____ sucks" but that's pretty normal for a forum such as this. Don't let things like that get under your skin is all I can say.

Bryant said:
Here is my opinion:

Several former metal masters including Dio, Metallica and Queensryche (among others) have released poor CDs that fail miserably compared to their prime releases in my ears. I don't mind giving a negative opinion on those release after I have given them a fair shake if it is in the context of the post.
Of course I have much better things to do than to go on and on about how bad "band X" is, but that is just me. My particular personality is that of an optimist and I would rather talk about things I like, not things I dislike.
Having said that, this is a forum that is based around metal music with some facts, but mostly opinions. You can believe that I am far from impressed about two word replies like "____ sucks" but that's pretty normal for a forum such as this. Don't let things like that get under your skin is all I can say.


Well said. :)

Nah, nothing's under my skin, so to speak. Just trying to make what I thought was a sorely needed point. Of course, as far as most of the forum members are concerned, I'm probably just preaching to the choir.
And you're right about this particular forum - the environment here is warm and fuzzy compared to some I've been to. Most forums are just a conglomeration of pricks suffering from delusions of grandeur.
Lycanthrope said:
Well said. :)

Nah, nothing's under my skin, so to speak. Just trying to make what I thought was a sorely needed point. Of course, as far as most of the forum members are concerned, I'm probably just preaching to the choir.
And you're right about this particular forum - the environment here is warm and fuzzy compared to some I've been to. Most forums are just a conglomeration of pricks suffering from delusions of grandeur.

I think a metal forum should be "relatively" warm and fuzzy. Yeah we're metal-head tough-guys (and gals) but why someone would want to piss off another metal-head with thoughtless bashing (not to be confused with intelligent criticism) is beyond me. I guess this is their thoughts... The general public already has no understanding of me, so I'll just limit my social contacts to absolutely nil by pissing off my metal comrades and become a hermit living somewhere in the Wyoming wilderness with no friends. Makes sense to me. : /

I'm sorry, did you say the song "has lots of double bass"? Since when does several 10 second blast beats in a song about six minutes long constitute "lots of double bass"? Clearly, your argument is flawed.
Every forum on this site seems to have a thread about St. Anger. What the hell is up with that.