Metallica new album if anyone cares.

soundgarden said:
quoted from another forum. It sounds more like the earlier albums.

Well the guitar sounds pretty sloppy for someone like James although with all the drugs he's been taking he might have fucked up his muscle coordination somewhat. The soundclip certainly features Lars maxxing out his capabilities though! :P
Metallica were the band that got me into music, but I honestly don't care for a new album anymore, infact I didn't before St.Anger was released and even then I bought it eventually after all the bad comments. This time I would need to hear something really good before I even think about buying a new album.
James's hair looks pretty sweet now. ... ... :tickled:

I think all the years of touring and being the best band in metal just caught up to Metallica a while ago, and I doubt they can pull it off again. I'm not gonna get excited. It pisses me off that every time they say they're making a new album, there's that little glimmer of hope that it will rule again, which has been dashed time and again.

But hey, they're allowed to suck now. After their first four albums, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
I'm praying to the Metal Gods to forgive Metallica for the travesty that was St. Anger and for the band to put some GUITAR SOLOS in the songs.
I disagree with all of you. I think they should do whatever the fuck they want. If it pleases the fans, fine. If not, suck on it. I don't really like St. Anger that much, but I totally respect what their intention was as artists. It was a very personal album, and they expressed themselves sincerely, with pure emotion, raw and to the point. I'm not a big fan of them, but what I really like about them is the fact that they go different directions over the years, as they please, and not overdoing the same style over and over again for ages, as most do.

The minute an artist is forced to create something for anyone else but himself (the fans, the critics, the record companies, the money, etc), then he is betraying his art. And that, my friends, IT'S NOT METAL.
All good, but don't try to say St. Anger is as well-made an album as Justice or even Reload, which I personally like. They can do what they want, and I can say I think its good, or it isn't.
There's no excuse for St. Anger. Really. Every instrument sounds like shit, and the playing is awful. When I first heard a song from the finished product, I thought it a first-take, partly written demo song. It's just a bad album from a great band.
man, im a huge metallica fan... st. anger sucked so im afraid if this new album does the same, well i might just turn the other cheek on "alcoholica"
L. Knight said:
I disagree with all of you. I think they should do whatever the fuck they want. If it pleases the fans, fine. If not, suck on it. I don't really like St. Anger that much, but I totally respect what their intention was as artists. It was a very personal album, and they expressed themselves sincerely, with pure emotion, raw and to the point. I'm not a big fan of them, but what I really like about them is the fact that they go different directions over the years, as they please, and not overdoing the same style over and over again for ages, as most do.

The minute an artist is forced to create something for anyone else but himself (the fans, the critics, the record companies, the money, etc), then he is betraying his art. And that, my friends, IT'S NOT METAL.

Yeah, they should do what THEY want...but they weren't. They were doing what Bob Rock wanted.

I really don't believe that St. Anger is a personal album at all. All they were trying to do is cash in on the fact that mallcore is more mainstraim and they thought they'd snag some young new fans who were already into that. It's all about the $$$$$$...personal my a$$.

Similarly, Load and Reload were geared to grab the attention of an older that probably never got into the thrash scene when it came about because by that point they (the audience) had already made up their minds about what they like. Hell, even my mom likes Load/Reload era 'tallica...and she's in her 60's.

Metallica is not art, it used to it is purely a business, a corporation, and nothing more.

So...from a business perspective, it would make sense now that they've opened the door to new audiences, that they might "return to their roots" so to speak. That would ensure all the old fans get into them again, and then fans of the newer tallica might like it too, and then they go buy all their old albums as well.

With that said...even if it resembles oldschool metallica, it will lack the heart-felt soul which makes music art.
They can write whatever music they want I agree, but why do most of their setlist consist of the old songs? Surely when promoting a new album, you play a bulk of it live or at least more songs than they have been doing!! Sounds like they don't really want to play any of their new music and only wrote it to sell more records to the current trend. Sure, the old fans want to hear the old songs but if I was in band and I recorded new music I'd want to promote it and play it.
Kirk about St.Anger: "This material is very strong and very representative of where we are now musically, personally, emotionally and mentally. It's the most complete band statement that we've ever made." :guh: I really wonder how people still think Metallica can write good music again... There's not the slightest possibility of that happening.
ptah knemu said:
I'm praying to the Metal Gods to forgive Metallica for the travesty that was St. Anger and for the band to put some GUITAR SOLOS in the songs.

Kirk Hammett is a terrible soloist so I don't care either way.
L. Knight said:
That was complete and utter BS. Specially the "St. Anger is mainstream" stuff. :grin:

Just to clarify, I mean mainstream, as in mainstream mallcore metal, not pop music or something like that.

Frantic tick tock tick tock tick tock = Korn

The title track sounds like it was written by Slipknot, Korn, and Linkin Park.

St. Anger = mainstream mallcore metal. :zzz: