Metallica new album if anyone cares.

Looks to me like they are trying to do something about the Bull that Metallica released. Since St. Anger sucked so hard they need to make up for some extreme lost ground let me tell you. Whenever I listen to Metallica now I kind of get sad... then I just think of busting someone upside the head with an AXE, then I laugh! They need to get their crap together, if they dont people wont buy anymore... Its funny when you have people actually saying that the St. Anger CD was actually any good... it makes me sick... I believe that allot of people are goign to buy this next CD just to see if Metallica sucks still or not, but if they actually listen to their fans and get their heads out of their butts... maybe people will like them as much again XD Also.. I think if this album sucks... then people will jsut give up on them... sorry Metallica .. but just give up if this doesnt work... or call in Dave Mustaine =D
i used to respect mustaine but he sounded like the biggest baby on some kind of monster. a grown man whinning is pretty pathetic.
NoSoup4you said:
Kirk Hammett is a terrible soloist so I don't care either way.
He used to be half decent when he abused the Pentatonic scales, but now he sucks ass, because he abuses the Wah pedal.

arglebargle said:
As long as Lar$ is in the band, there is NO hope for Metallica, ever.
He's endorsed by probabl nearl the best drum company out there, and he has the perfect drum shells, yet he intentionally makes his drums sound like TRASHCANS!!!

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Dave Mustaine annihilates Metallica. At least his stuff has stayed consistently awesome. (In my opinion.)

Dave Mustaine
Megadave PWNS Metallica, any day. Even in the 80's, Megadeth destroyed them.
i heard this many times on the megadeth vs metallica argument that megadeth owns on guitar virtuosity(spelling) especially when marty freidman was in the band but james hetfield has always owned dave on vocals and when you think of writing ability metallica in its day (master of puppets-and justice era) was far superior but on the other hand megadeth was more technical and thrashy
Master of Puppets and a little of Ride the Lightning is basically all I really like of Metallica (or at least what I just can sit down and listen to.) Simply because its most likely some of the coolest and flippin sweet they have, although im not saying its the best.

On the other hand.. Mustaine is an UBER influence on my guitar playing.. and the music that I listen to... everyone has to like some sort of megadeth song... it appeals to a varied group of people (Lyric Wise) And personally I like some of the things that he comes up with... although I havent seen Megadeth in concert (I wanted to go to Gigantour) ... I still think he R0ckz

Metalman7983 said:
i heard this many times on the megadeth vs metallica argument that megadeth owns on guitar virtuosity(spelling) especially when marty freidman was in the band but james hetfield has always owned dave on vocals and when you think of writing ability metallica in its day (master of puppets-and justice era) was far superior but on the other hand megadeth was more technical and thrashy
Actually, I HATE James Hetfield's singing. Especially that stupid ass "ah!" that he puts after every damn word he "sings".

At least Mustaine's voice is unique and sounds like no other.
Megadeth is probably the band that has influenced me the most. I learned to play rythm with Dave's skillfull writing/playing. I discovered the world of shredding via Friedman and I even discovered how the bass can be cool with Ellefson (Yeah, I used to be a major guitar elitist... Now I'd rather be a drummer lol). On another note, the slightest mention of Metallica makes me wanna go north and club some baby seals, then use those baby seal corpses to club James, Lars, Kirk, Whatever the new bassist is called, Whatever the old bassist is called, and Bob Rock in the head. Megadeth is better than Metallica in every possible way. Every Megadeth album is good, and every Metallica album is bad, I don't even consider Kill Em All a Metallica album since Megadave wrote most of it. Just look at the song Mechanix and compare it to the Four Horseman... Mechanix is agressive and has great solos and vocals, The Four Horseman has lame vocals, is less fast, has lame solos, and has an added part that sounds alot like Sweet Home Alabama. I could elaborate for hours but I think you all get the point.

Now Playing: Skull Beneath the Skin - MEGADETH
I don't see how you can say that if you don't even know who the bassists are, how does that say for your familiarity with their music? I see you as a Megadeth fan in a major way. Personally neither one is anywhere near my favorites, but I think the Metallica albums were just better music to my ears. And I couldn't care less about shredding.

"is less fast" is probably the worst (actually not, but close) reason I've ever heard for saying a band is inferior. Get your stopwatches out now, we're gonna compare. :lol:
By "is less fast", I mean both songs being thrash metal (a fast genre of metal) and the song itself is cooler with high tempo. I love slow songs, Sym X being a great example.
Thraxz said:
No.... did you even HEAR those vocals?

Last time I checked, vocals alone are never the only thing you compare bands by. Besides, Dave Mustaine's vocals are classic.