Metallica record album with Lou Reed

I kinda like it. Took me a few listens but it started to grow on me. I'm looking forward to see how this concept album plays out.

And its a Lou Reed album ft Metallica not a Metallica album so don't go in expecting Master Of Puppets II.
Showed my mate who doesnt really listen to metal this, he likes St Anger and as soon as we got 20 seconds into Lou Reed song he was like AHHHHHhhhhh.
The full album has leaked.

Suffice to say it's not one I'll be paying for... :Puke:

First there was the Cleveland Steamer. Now Metallica brings you the Bay Area Steamer.
Yeah OK, I expected something pretty average but having now listened to the whole thing twice through I can safely say I'll never voluntarily listen to it again. Even St Anger is a masterpiece compared to this horse shit.

I rate it one huge double-flushing turd out of 10.
I'ts NOT a Metallica album remember? :lol: Maybe people would not be so quick to have a crack at it if they didn't use the Metallica name, but I haven't heard the full thing yet, so it could be utterly shite