Metallica- St Anger Vid

I'm thinking: why the fuck i'd want to listen to a new song by this shower of wasters, how long ago is it since they were worth listening to?? 12 years??
yes, might be 12 years, but i thought it would be still interesting to listen to their new attempt.
and imo it's not a bad song, it doesn't reach their old stuff though, certainly.
I was blown away by the song. And its much better then load or reload (xept 2 or 3 songs of it maybe)

AND Metallica is manly again!
yeah well, have to hear the album first. still not convinced. if theyre all like 'st anger' it wouldnt be very interesting.... but they made me curious
its funny tho how so many ppl say "oh its unusual i'll have to hear it more, it might grow on me etc etc". If it was some fucking unknown bunch a wasters from estonia we'd listen once think "thats shite" and not go near the song again but cos it muttlangica everyones tries soooo hard to get into it. i heard it once and thought it was shite. it shall not get a 2nd chance :D
haha well i liked it from the first time. oh and there are much people saying its bad cause its metallica, cause its cool. not pointing to you bambi i know you're a good guy
It's absolute garbage. I wonder who's idea it was to put the drums so loud in the mix... especially when everyone knows Lars is a godawful drummer. Everyone I know, including Metallica fans, thought the drumming made the song almost intolerable to listen to. In the past, they kept Lars' shit drumming lower in the mix, so it wasn't that noticable. Now it's so loud... and I can't help but vomit.
Cerulean said:
'I'm LuminousAether and I'm a complete whiner *whine whine whine whine whine* '

The song's really okay. I mean, it could've been 100 times worse (which I expected actually)


Pot meet kettle:

"hi there, im cerulean the blackest kettle in all of christendom, how do you do??" :lol: