Metallica- St Anger Vid

after a few more listens, I'm sure this song won't get more then a 50 points of 100. The drumming is indeed to loud, monotoneous, and therefore disturbing (the snare sound sucks imh). And if this is not the album version, but a shorter version, then i hope that the missing parts are not the already taken ones, cause it's already repetetive!
still it's sth better than i expected!
I saw Avril Lavigne (or something) yesterday performing Fuel better than metallica itself. Couldn't get sleep so I had to watch mtv licking the ass of a band that doesn't mean anything to me :zzz:

quality entertainment.
lavigne's cute... :blush:

but she claims to be "punk" and that pisses me off. i hope dee-dee and joey rise from the grave and smack her! :(
erm, to be honest i found Avril Lavigne's performance (if you exclude the bands performance, which was good indeed) very halfhearted and passionless!
yes it does sound punk, wow james voice sucks, and the new bassist look like a money. i just saw the song and it leave no impression.

oh jesus, i cant imagine how horrifyng it would be to see snoop dogg cover sad but true, i didnt saw it thanks god. what the fuck is up with metallica. was linkin park there too? chester should be hung by his balls upside down.
cliff burton must had went crazy when he saw this.
Metallica have made a suprise gig @ Download Festival (Donington park) this weekend!
Check out this killer setlist:

01. Blackened
02. No Remorse
03. Harvester of Sorrow
04. Frantic
05. Sad But True
06. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
07. St. Anger
08. Master of Puppets
09. Creeping Death
10. Damage Inc.

I'll catch them live in two weeks @ fields of rock in Holland, I really hope I'll not be dissapointed!!! :rock:
i finally heard the long version (album version) and it's even more annoying cause it's just a repetition going on and on again. I have definitely expected sth worse but it's still no good, not for Metallica.
that's a really bad song. is there any rythmn?
a few people say: it's metallica, so it's cool. i liked them (years over years ago) but what's that new shit?

hatfield looks like an typical amerikan repuplican nazi and the rest nu metallish. and the sound? i also can hammer on the drums and say, hey it's new.

the only thing that save metallica is their name. nothing else!
what the fuck! blackened? damage inc? harvester? sanitarium?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: they havent played those in ages! strange setlist :confused: no nothing else matters and one and enter sandman. weird... but promising :grin:
Mariner said:
what the fuck! blackened? damage inc? harvester? sanitarium?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: they havent played those in ages! strange setlist :confused: no nothing else matters and one and enter sandman. weird... but promising :grin:

Havent heard a good sample of the new songs (can say if its good or bad) but even in their official forum people say that the production is garbage

and yep this is another setlist at fillmore


Hit The Lights
The Four Horsemen
Harvester Of Sorrow
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Sad But True
Phantom Lord
Leper Messiah
No Remorse
Fade To Black
Master Of Puppets
Damage Inc
Ride The Lightning
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Last Caress
Am I Evil?