Metalocalypse fans anyone??


New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2009
I was just wondering if anyone else was a fan of metalocalypse on here. I think the show is funny as hell and the band actually kicks ass. I would like to know whos your favorite character? Mines gotta be Dr. Roxo the rock n roll clown "I do cocaine".
Toki for sure. He's hilarious. I didn't catch anything after 5th episode of 2nd season though..
It's a great show and i've never missed an episode. My favorite character would have to be Pickles, after all whats a band with out an angry drummer?
This show is hilarious and awesome. Both finales were epic.
"We're not goings to play these grandpas guitars" - I laughed so hard.

is that the one with the troll?
I love that one.
"Even though playing acoustic is totally lame and so not metal...."
i love swissgar
Metalocaplypse is possible one of the greatest series ever. I don't think I've laughed as much as the first time I saw an episode. Pure awesomeness!
Metalocalypse is my favorite show. I'm almost done with Season 1... Not ashamed to admit it, I am a proud Toki fangirl.
I remember when I saw the first episode, the one where they went to the grocery store to buy food, and didn't know how... it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.
I remember when I saw the first episode, the one where they went to the grocery store to buy food, and didn't know how... it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.

Toki: Wow, what's dis place called?"
Skwisgaar: I believe dis is called 'Food Libraries."
"Deys gives us all dzee frees coffees in the worlds, with NO INSTRUCTIONS ON HOWS TO COOK IT!"

*Throws toaster.*

Love that show man
one of my favorite shows
Toki is hilarious
one of my favorite episodes is when they go to the "food library"
and the Lost Vikings is an awesome song
awesome show indeed. my favorites have to be Murderface and Skwisgaar.

"Nick Ibsen: As intimidating as it is to interview such amazing entertainment figures, I nonetheless have a journalistic integrity to uncover...certain........uh...are you urinating on my shoes?
Murderface: Yes, I am."