Metalocolypse premier on adult swim

I figure this was worth mentioning:

Dethstars # J.F. Amarth – An elderly, respected actor hired to appear in Dethklok's film. He was impaled with a forklift driven by Pickles, although it is uncertain if this act killed him, as he still appeared in the film. His name is a reference to the Swedish Viking-metal band, Amon Amarth.
I haven't been keeping up on this show like I did in the beginning. After missing an episode I've lost my motivation, and now I've lost a ton. I'm just going to wait for it to come out on DVD and get it then.
James Hetfield was the fan in the bandanna right before the show, and Hammet was the dude who had his fingers chopped off and murderfaced smoked them.

Excellent show, too bad its only in the US.

That's Hetfield in your avatar, right? If it is, do you know if a large version of that picture can be found anywhere?
Now that the season is done I can't wait for the DVD. I think I'm going to throw a metal party. My friends and I made up a drinking game for the show.
To my knowledge they haven't released any dates yet. I'd give it at least a month or two since the season finale only aired today.

They're probably going to releas the DVD and the CD at the same time, possibly together. I heard that's what they did for HomeMovies, Brendan Small's other show.
I also heard from an uncornfirmed source that the songs on the CD will be full length as opposed to just the little bits you normally hear in the show.
I have longer, but not quite full, versions of a lot of the songs, most of them were available on their MySpace here and there.

I find it bizarre that I am anticipating a release from a "fake" band more then I do most real bands... go figure.
Hey, their songs are fucking awesome. Catchy as hell, melodic, but heavy.
And pretty damn funny.
You people out there give us something more than just record sales
You give us something to hate
And we hate you, you brainless mutants

Hate (16x)

You hunched and blinded mutants
living in chat rooms

You masturbate on the sheets
your mothers clean for you

You have lined my pockets
overflowed with gold

You're living with your parents
and you're 35 years old

You're a bunch of banks
that I'd like to rob

You're my online cash transaction
you're my future stocks

Transfer you like money
to a Swiss account

Spend you on an impulse
and zero you all out

Hate (16x)
I just downloaded all of the Dethklok songs off of Soulseek and made my own CD! I've listened to it three times in a row already, it's probably the best album of the year! Thank god for shareware!


N.P. Some Brand New Rotting Christ Song