Metalstorm awards

i remember some of the bands playing the MMF edition that picture above was taken from cursing the organizer. the picture was some eighties metal band, wasnt it? saxon, or something else? a lot of them actually payed to play, can you believe that?

maybe i remember wrong, im just human, haha... i read a lot of stuff and remember the most crazy details sometimes haha.

On many of these metal festivals here, a vast majority of the bands on the bill have to pay-to-play, with only the main headline type bands actually being the ones who get paid.
the picture was some eighties metal band, wasnt it? saxon, or something else?

i remember correctly... it was vicious rumours :) i knew it had to be a band that i've covered a song of with my previous band haha.


anyway, metalfest has gone down the drain. this was the headliner for sunday!

bands have been getting ripped off so bad, even the sponsor took down his banner and has filed a suit against jack koshick, the promoter.
That's no good. I liked the stuff you guys released, but what can you do sometimes? I have the exact opposite problem. I would love to start a band here in Omaha, but it's so hard for me since I'm an athlete and a poor full time student. I don't have the time to look for members and I don't have the money for gear. SOOO, I'll just have to put that on that back burner until I'm done with school haha.