MFJ, En Vind - Amanita Muscaria Hunting

dudes, Mia and Toby from Kayo dot went mushroom hunting last fall, here's the blog entry

since i've been trying to update my journal on past happenings, here's something exciting (at least to me) that happened back in october: Toby and I found an entire fallen-pine-needle meadow of amanita mushrooms in Western Massachusetts! now i don't know what your stance on mushrooms is, but one of my favorite past times is mushroom-hunting and mushroom identification... it's an extremely adrenaline-releasing, hyperfocused, and visually/stellarly gorgeous sport. i recommend you try it! early autumn is the best time.

here's a little background on the amanita mushroom, better known as the red and white-speckled alice in the wonderland mushroom and also as fly agaric.

fly agaric grows mainly under birch, pine, fir, and spruce trees, living in symbiosis with the roots (i just mention this because i'm in love with symbiotic relationships in general, and also the word "symbiosis" is so fun to say out loud.) this beautiful mushroom has been associated for its shamanistic and magical qualities for over 2000 years. my favorite part about this mushroom is that its main psychoactive compound, muscimol, retains all its chemical properties even after passing through the human digestive system! that means that if you eat the mushroom and then take a piss in a jar, or tupperware, or coffee mug, and your friend then swigs that very piss, your friend will also begin experiencing all the psychoactive effects of fly agaric/muscimol via your muscimol-laced piss. and of course, then that person can pee in a jar/tupperware/coffee mug and pass it on to whomever. it could potentially be endless!

From Wikipedia:" "The active ingredient is excreted in the urine of those consuming the mushrooms, and it has sometimes been the practice for a shaman to consume the mushrooms, and the rest of the tribe to drink his urine: the shaman, in effect, partially detoxifying the drug (the sweat- and twitch-causing muscarine is absent in the urine). If a fly agaric is eaten, it is usually not fresh, but in its sun-dried form, where the hallucinogenic chemicals are more concentrated (ibotenic acid converted to the more stable muscimol)."

no, i don't know if its chemical properties are retained also in the poop, but i'm not going to try that out because poop tastes gaggingly gross. you're welcome to though, of course. please let me know if you plan to or have given that a shot.

p.s. - you're a poop-eating sicko.

anyway, here are some pictures i took of our find: the photographs came out absolutely beautiful. i'm so happy with them. this is the yellow-orange variety, amanita muscaria var. formosa.





i tried to dry out the mushrooms with the intent of consuming them for the first time ever, (don't get me wrong, i'm really no druggie, but i do feel strongly about trying anything once) but after having thought i dried them out completely, i accidently left them in the plastic bag too long and they ended up getting moldy. at least i enjoyed the concept of fungus getting fungus, i guess. no big loss though... i hear the yellow variety that we found actually contains more ibotenic acid (the toxic drool-causing and sweat-causing stuff they mention above in the excerpt) than the red variety and in any case, i think amanitas are readily available for order via the internet if i ever become curious about trying them out again.

as an added treat, we stumbled upon this FAIRY RING!

do you know about fairy rings?? i didn't either, but here's what they are: fairy rings are this mushroom phenomenon where one variety of mushroom all grow in a perfect circle. way back when, it was thought that fairy rings were meeting grounds for all sorts of freaky little people: elves, fairies, dwarves, gnomes, you get the point. it was also thought that if a human walked into the the middle of one and stood there, then eventually the person would start to dance uncontrollably! (this concept has always freaked the shit out of me since i was a child and read that horrific children's story about this selfish little girl that demands to own a certain red pair of shoes. the red shoes then make her dance uncontrollably for years. her feet get all bloodied and bruised and torn up and she's never allowed to rest. finally, she's forced to chop off her feet at the ankles and apologize for having been so selfish, etc.


i know i'm supposed to be terrified of being selfish, but nope, my idiot brain is now terrified of red shoes instead. red boots - okay, but red shoes - no.) anyway, i guess the only way to get the person to stop dancing in the fairy ring was to push them out of it using a large stick.

so despite my fear of uncontrollably dancing, i was curious, so i tried standing in the middle of the fairy ring, waiting for myself to start doing some sort of moonwalking in place a la michael jackson. it never happened though and i was a little bit disappointed, but i'm used to this sort of thing at this point - these things happen. (or don't, rather. or rarely happen.)

there's a picture of me standing in the middle of the fairy ring, but i'm self-conscious that i look like a down's syndromey antelope/gazelle with kneesocks in that particular picture, so instead, here's a picture of the fairy ring without me standing the middle:


mushrooms fucking rule, there's no arguing it.
Very cool. I'd actually never heard about the Mushroom ring myself, thats quite interesting. You know I find this pretty amusinginly related to a recent occurnce of my friends. He responded to a myspace bulletin from Mia of Kayo Dot that inquired for help in setting up shows. While he couldnt help with that, he did end up selling Mia several hits of acid, brokered via myspace, and carried out at the next baltimore show. :D
mushroom hunting is what volvo-dog-3-children-and-white-picket-fence parents force their children to do in the fall

it's actually rather pleasant

and yeah just fucking regular mushrooms that you eat, not the druggy kind

in sweden you're allowed to pick mushrooms from anywhere and you're allowed to be anywhere in nature regardless of who owns the land... ALLEMANSRÄTTEN FTW :kickass:
In canadar you can go anywhere on public land and pick mushrooms, as long as its not a persons land. Which is fine.

Regular mushrooms I'd keep and eat, (unless I had lots and could sell them)

Druggy mushrooms... i'd sell them, i know some guys who do shrooms, they'd love to buy some from me for DIRT CHEAP.

And yeah, yuppies do it.... but I'd do it while listening to NOLTEM! and Primordial and other stuff along that line.
lizard said:
that's a pretty cool concept, nobody here would like itätt

it's pretty much unique to the nordic countries and another reason to love this place

The convention is today the basis for recreation in these of the Nordic countries, providing the possibility to hike or camp on someone else's land (e.g. for up to three nights, or "temporarily"), to travel by boat on somebody else's waters, and to pick the wild flowers, mushrooms and berries. However — with the rights follows the responsibility, i.e. the obligation to do no harm, not to litter, not to damage rocks or crops. The right is also limited to areas outside the immediate vicinity of dwellings, gardens etc.

as i've seen on TV, if you try to pull that shit in america, the land owner has the right to kill you with a god damn shotgun.

yes sweden i love thee
man, fairy rings are so cool. i remember reading this story (from the first book about psilocybin mushrooms that I ever bought) about this hunter who found a HUGE fairy ring of psilocybe semilanceata (liberty caps) while walking through a forest at night. That moment right there would be when I literally shat myself. I don't know if I'd have the heart to tear it down...

Fuck, this is why I wanted to be a mycologist...

BTW Lizard- Waitlist from UNH. :( I'm not too upset though, I didn't think I was going to go there. I've also decided to apply to Green Mountain College in VT. 650 students, environmental liberal arts school...