The time has come.. (WARNING: Drug related!)

it taste like shit but mice are running up the trees. over a million mice, i swear:lol:
I had a way crazier experience, it was a bad trip but looking back on it... it was pretty cool. I mean I can remember it as clear as anything that has really happened. I get flashbacks to it from time to time as well :lol:
I wanna try LSD again. I think I'm more prepared for it, drugwise speaking.

inb4 thread locked

(Which is crazy, because we're giving out our own inputs, we aren't promoting shit. I think this is a vaild thread.)
huh? i didnt mean adding chemicals to weed, weed is still legal (sort of) here, nothing changes to that (at least not yet, i see the day coming that they ban that too ><)

then were did Rat Poison come from o_O?
To mushrooms? Never heard of anything like that, at all :S. Only thing I've heard of adding to mushrooms is Ginger and Honey :p

Actually, I don't agree with keeping Salvia legal, tbh. How it works, from what I've been told, is that in order to get that intense trip, it shuts down your central nervous system.

So while it's alright to do a couple times, I think it's a bit dangerous to make a habit of doing it.

"What I've been told" isn't a very strong argument. My central nervous system was never shut down.
I think the dumbest drug to do is E. Fuck, my dumbass friend used to pop them and one of his junky friends died of an overdose last year in his room. Ecstasy raises the temperature of your brain to dangerous levels and can cause severe dehydration. It's a shame but chronic use is fucken stupid. Idk y i remembered all that..
Hey, I'm not the one that's gonna shut this down, I enjoy talking about drugs. As long as people don't report, I doubt it's gonna get shut off.

Also, to every day smokers, if I asked you "Do you understand what life is" what would you answer?

Some of my stoner friends are convinced that they understand "life" itself, please, enlighten me.
Do you understand what life is? In all fairness that is a difficult question to answer, because it is subjective to the person's point of view.

Stoners like to discuss the meaning of life, it is like a tradition among burners. I should know :lol:

Btw, I don't believe smoking everyday is good.
Stoners like to discuss the meaning of life, it is like a tradition among burners. I should know :lol:
So fucking true :lol:

I spent a lot of time while stoned (when I wasn't watching Arrested Development or cartoons) thinking about that question, and I came to the realization that the answer really is 42....and in this way:

We're not meant to know the true answer (why we're here, what does it all mean, etc) and if you're not satisfied with that, feel free to cling onto whatever arbitrary faith you'd like, just don't fucking impose it upon other people. 42 is the answer, why? Because it doesn't make any sense. I do believe that there's something out there bigger than us (a personal revelation I came to while stoned...surprise surprise) but I certainly don't think it's some omnipotent god who grants wishes and makes judgments upon humankind.

final thought: I think reality is overrated. There are perfectly safe, naturally occuring drugs for a reason, and every human society ever has made use of them, be it hallucinogens like psylocibin mushrooms or peyote, marijuana, narcotics (opium & coccaine,) or alcohol in its many forms. Their use is all a part of what it means to be human.
Nature produces all kinds of harmful, poisonous things. WE SHOULD EAT THOSE TOO! :lol:

tl;dr: I don't care if people do drugs, I think they should have the choice to. I mean with lesser harmful drugs but the thing I am saying is JUST LIKE WITH ANY SUBSTANCE, there is a big risk involved the more you use it. It effects you health (mental and physical). If you know the risks, and make an informed decision one way or another, I can respect that 100%.
Why is everyone posting that Shrooms trailer now? The movie is two years old :lol:
I've always wanted to have sex on shrooms....though I'd settle for plain ol' sex. Missionary even. Lights off. Shirts on.