The Smurfs...

Hmmmm, he does have a certain smurfness to him.

As for Ozzy, I don't think it matters whether your stoned or not to understand him, I don't think he understands himself either anymore.
Originally posted by neal
haha now that you mention it i dont know if ive ever watched the powerpuff girls when i wasnt high. or the ozzy show for that matter. hmmm.....
Were you able to understand any of his gibberish?
Speaking of Ozzy,this guy on my bus told me to fuck off this afternoon because I told him that I didn't like Ozzy,Aerosmith or the Beatles.The he's telling everyone that,if not for the Beatles or Aerosmith,bands like Slipknot wouldn't be around today.I guess he assumed that ppl on my bus like Slipknot,most,if not all of the ppl on my bus are whiggers.I should've stood up and started firing a bunch of band names at him-Nevermore,Opeth,Seance,Aeternus,Decide,Cradle of Filth,Arch Enemy,etc. and asked him if the Beatles and Aerosmith were responsible for them.He prolly would've started shaking and praying.I think he's some type of Bible thumper,seeing as how he REALLY likes Creed.That was interesting...