MFJ, En Vind - Amanita Muscaria Hunting

At Ellis and Grazim: Have you guys ever tried Mescaline? My friend David bought 200 grams of Peruvian Torch tissue (which is a mescaline-carrying cactus without many of the alkaloids that Peyote has, apparently giving it less of a body high buy more of a psychological high) and I'm being offered some this weekend. I know it's supposed to be tough to deal with sometimes, but I'm interested...

if not, I'm just going to take some of the Cubensis he has. Consult the shroom gods about where to go in the future...
I've never tried Mescaline personally. My friend and I have talked about ordering some San Pedro Cactus for a good while, but we've never gotten around to it.
Hey man, if you want to, I can probably get you some for free... I'll let you know. I'd have no problem sending over a couple of doses.
Same here, I've been interested in trying it for a while but I've been lazy in actually ordering some. It's pretty sweet that the illegality is a total non-issue with San Pedro and Peruvian Torch, too.
Erik said:
in sweden you're allowed to pick mushrooms from anywhere and you're allowed to be anywhere in nature regardless of who owns the land... ALLEMANSRÄTTEN FTW :kickass:
Okay this is just about the coolest thing I've heard all year.

Hey Erik, how hot are the summers there? :loco:
max, I don't know if you caught my thread about being turned down by UNH out of HS.

that small school sounds great, my two year school had 500 students, the only down side to a small school is that EVERYONE knows your business because everyone knows everyone else.

but UNH was cool for my Jr and Sr years because it has such an awesome location, less than half hour to the ocean, ninety minutes tops to both boston and the mountains.