The time has come.. (WARNING: Drug related!)

you cant really say [insert any drug] DOES this to someone. Every drug has a different effect on everyone, no one has the same effect. Not only the direct effect of a trip or being high, but also on the long term. The "taking-over-life" thing is kinda bullshit. Most of the people i hang out with smoke weed daily, eat shrooms 2-3 times a year, and some use cocain and speed quite much too. These people still do very well in high-class schools (dont know how to call good schools in english :lol:?). Im not saying its totally okay to do things like cocain and speed regulary, it fucks up alot of things, especially social things but things like weed and shrooms arent even addicting. Weed has minor effects on health, really minor.. alot less than alcohol and smoking tobacco. Mushrooms have NO health effects whatsoever. Thats another fucked up thing from the coming law here, the constitutional law says it HAS to be proven that it has great significant effects to ban a substance. And ALL researches say its harmless.

EDIT: also, im considering growing shrooms myself because im a hippy in this matter.
These people still do very well in high-class schools (dont know how to call good schools in english :lol:?
Private schools, or parochial schools (if they're associated with the church)

Thats another fucked up thing from the coming law here, the constitutional law says it HAS to be proven that it has great significant effects to ban a substance. And ALL researches say its harmless.
The issue usually comes down to people being inebriated while at work, or in a public setting and becoming a danger to themselves and others. I'm not saying it's a reason to outlaw something, but it's definitely a good reason to make regulatory laws.
Private schools, or parochial schools (if they're associated with the church)

Nah well, i meant schools with a very high level of education. I dont mean exclusive schools for richfags (and i think the mentioned schools are the latter?)

The issue usually comes down to people being inebriated while at work, or in a public setting and becoming a danger to themselves and others. I'm not saying it's a reason to outlaw something, but it's definitely a good reason to make regulatory laws.

This is totally not an issue here. The minister of healthcare literally said that he wants to ban it because "according to him" (eventhough HIS funded research said different) its dangerous for the human body.

Besides, people know the effect can last 8 hours and is extremely heavy, i doubt enough people are stupid enough to do it at work or dangerous places to let that be a reason for a ban.
Nah well, i meant schools with a very high level of education. I dont mean exclusive schools for richfags (and i think the mentioned schools are the latter?)

You don't have to be rich to go to a private school...though some of the attendees are. I went to one, because the local high school was crap.

This is totally not an issue here. The minister of healthcare literally said that he wants to ban it because "according to him" (eventhough HIS funded research said different) its dangerous for the human body.

Besides, people know the effect can last 8 hours and is extremely heavy, i doubt enough people are stupid enough to do it at work or dangerous places to let that be a reason for a ban.

Then it's just irrational...but that's how most laws concerning private use of substances are.
You don't have to be rich to go to a private school...though some of the attendees are. I went to one, because the local high school was crap.
Well, its more like universities im talking about :lol:

Then it's just irrational...but that's how most laws concerning private use of substances are.

Very true, although i used think we didnt have such ignorant people in our governement
Frank, stop crying. You live in a more open minded country than 80% of the world, if not more. So what if you can't do drugs, you have all kinds of other opportunities open to you, pursue those instead. Weed and shrooms are addictive. Maybe not chemically but mentally. It's the high people get addicted to, although it's not like heroin where you body NEEDS the drug after a while, it's just as powerful. I know kids who just trip on quarters of mush every weekend and pop ecstasy because they love that feeling. It's sad to watch. The worst thing about weed is, it's a denial drug. It makes people think they're not addicted, that they're fine and they're gonna have a great future when in reality they're slowly slipping. Smoking weed everyday, being a pothead, for most leads to a wasted life that will never reach it's full potential. Argue with me all you want I know from case studies and personal experience with myself and everyone I know. Sure there are people who smoke weed and do coke and get great marks in school, and doctors who do heroin and other drugs and still do their job they are a small number and doing the drugs it increases the likelihood of something going wrong, and if not, then it's still a fact that the drug doesn't help you in any way and is a hinderance in some way, even if small. For most it's large though.
Frank, stop crying. You live in a more open minded country than 80% of the world, if not more. So what if you can't do drugs, you have all kinds of other opportunities open to you, pursue those instead. Weed and shrooms are addictive. Maybe not chemically but mentally. It's the high people get addicted to, although it's not like heroin where you body NEEDS the drug after a while, it's just as powerful. I know kids who just trip on quarters of mush every weekend and pop ecstasy because they love that feeling. It's sad to watch. The worst thing about weed is, it's a denial drug. It makes people think they're not addicted, that they're fine and they're gonna have a great future when in reality they're slowly slipping. Smoking weed everyday, being a pothead, for most leads to a wasted life that will never reach it's full potential. Argue with me all you want I know from case studies and personal experience with myself and everyone I know. Sure there are people who smoke weed and do coke and get great marks in school, and doctors who do heroin and other drugs and still do their job they are a small number and doing the drugs it increases the likelihood of something going wrong, and if not, then it's still a fact that the drug doesn't help you in any way and is a hinderance in some way, even if small. For most it's large though.

Well, i disagree on about everything you said :lol:
First of all, im not crying because "i cant do my dr00gs". Last time i even did shrooms was when i was 13 :lol: And if i wanted to do them it wont be much harder for me to get them now.
Second of all, dude you fucking overrate the negative effects of shrooms and weed. Its probably either because thats what people in general think in canada (and the rest of the world? :lol:) or because the weed-usage is just done totally different there.

Last night i learned that its normal outside of holland to smoke pure "reeves" or something? Here its normal to put 60% tobacco in a joint. Eventhough its probably because the weed is stronger here, its maybe still a reason. Financially at least, which ofcourse also affects alot of other things.
Well, the main reasons it was criminalized in the states is because they needed a reason to arrest Mexicans at the border, and Black Jazz musicians smoked it.


Cigarrettes aren't cool. They are addicting and don't make you high. Tobacco sucks. Marijuana gets you high, laughing like an idiot and overall happy. Smells nicer too. Much more attractive than than tobacco cigarrettes, which had a well-stablished industry by then.

The answer, then, is simple: lobby.
I understand your point, but here in the shops where they sell mushrooms (smartshops) they have free folders with guides on how to use them, with advice where to do it, what not to do, what precautions to take, saying its nessesary to a friend with you who stays sober etc.
Coming from someone who also had a bad trip, I was no danger to myself or anyone else because there were other people who looked out for me who knew what they were doing. They knew what to do when i would go bad etc
Also, the chance to go bad here is so much smaller than in Canada, since here you can be sure its good stuff and not rat poisoned bullshit.

To the weed thing, its not even so bad if people do it every day, as long as they know what theyre doing and dont overdo it. (dont worry, i dont do it every day :lol:)

Rat Poison?
As I said, no one laces their drugs, unless they are mentally disturbed in the first place, and if you buy drugs off some random guy on the street rocking back and deserve the rat poison. Lacing means you have to spend MORE of your own money on lacing it, and I'd say 99% of the time, if you get something laced your first thought will be "what a fucking dirt bag, I'm never going to buy off him again/kick his disturbed ass," instead of "Wow, Meth is awesome! I should have known, good thing he laced my weed in it, I'm going to just do Meth from now on!" I have come across someone trying to sell pot with pine cleaner on it to give it the smell, but it was obvious, and the guy ended up getting his ass kicked for trying to sell it.

Pamphlets or not, different people react differently to mushrooms. You can be well informed, and still freak out. You may have not been a danger to others, but someone else who takes them might be. As I said, its the safety scissors....The retard kids are too stupid to use them without being a danger, so they make all the kids use plastic scissors, even if some of the kids aren't stupid.

Ban the mushrooms, upset thousands, save 3 retards. I don't know anything about Dutch Politics, but I don't know if there is a "Thin out the weak" campaign going around that will see your point of view.

After all this, Mushrooms are actually rarely associated with any crime, because there is pretty much no money in selling them, unless you are moving the stuff by the pound.

Yay! A topic I actually know the fact : /
Do you guys still remember the spot that used to appear on the arcades before you start playing, when you turned on the arcade for first time ?


I love 80's, the people were healthier ( KIDDING )
Jesus, for the last time.... then everyone can fuck off. No one says if you smoke weed (or do any drug) that it will make you an addict and ruin your life. But it can turn into that easily if it becomes more than a recreational thing (IE: Someone who drinks a few beer after a stressful day at work slowly becomes the guy who drinks from morning till night over the course of a few years by one small step at a time if he lets it get that way, it's all little slips no one becomes a crack whore overnight). If you only smoke pot with your friends once in a while on a party night that is fine. When it goes beyond that then you're in jeopardy. The more often you do a drug, the more likely it is to have a negative effect on you... following? Line up 100 people that smoke pot regularly for the past 2-3 years, and then take notes. I am willing to estimate there's maybe 10 people who actually smoke pot everyday and have a good job which they attend and actually do the things they need to do. Pot is a drug that makes you very creative at times, but it also makes you in a dream state thinking you're doing well when in reality you're not. You have lots of goals but you never achieve them for one reason or another due to getting high is your priority. All drugs apply the same, some harm you physically more than others. All addicts experience denial but pot is perceived as such a harmless thing that it's hard for you to open your eyes and see if you're in that situation. On the other side you have the assholes who are all against weed who take the 'it applies to some' statment and say YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED DO MORE DRUGS AND WASTE YOUR LIFE... be moderate, be smart.

If you want to do drugs for fun or whatever, fine no one is judging you. But don't play it off like there are no effects or possibility of it harming you in any way.
Obviously there are bad things about any drug, weed, shrooms, whatever. But in a country where it has been legal for so long, it wont solve anything by making it illegal. People wont stop using it. People will just use homegrown shit, which often is fucked up uncontrolled shit.

@Cliffburton, yeah, rat poison. It's in there because its cheaper to get for example a pill to pill size if you add cheap crap instead of real XTC.