The time has come.. (WARNING: Drug related!)

I think we need to make a distinction here between drugs (cocaine, heroin, oxys, etc) and marijuana.

Plenty of people smoke pot regularly and get on fine in their lives...far more than this BS 1% figure you've arbitrarily farted out.

Marijuana fucks up your life just as badly as any other drug. So does alcohol. It's just all done in different ways. At the extreme end of the addiction spectrum, everyday marijuana use makes you lazy, makes you just want to smoke pot all day. All you care about it getting high. Not for every person, there are people that smoke weed everyday and still get things done, but that is really a fucking small percent. And unless you have a medical condition, you can't argue that you'd be better off without weed. It does help you in any way. It's like putting on a 400lb vest. Some people get weighed down and can't move, some might be able to function normally, most will fall in between... but why put yourself with that burden? If you want to, that's your choice but don't act like it has no consequences.

A lot of people that smoke weed every days are fuck-ups IMO.

There was a political party here in Norway that suggested to supply heroin to addicts as you mentioned Joe.

Free heroin, done with clean needles in an controlled enviroment.

I have never done anything besides tobacco and alcohol. I wanna try weed tho, but there goes the line.
It's a slippery slope with weed, and that is why the fundies use it as their gateway drug bullshit. But again there are a lot of reasons why to legalize drugs (stop crime, make it safer, etc) but there's another side (one which I'm not fully aware of :lol:) to the argument too which is if drugs are more available then people who might not have tried it otherwise might start.
Marijuana fucks up your life just as badly as any other drug.

Just because it fucked up your life, doesn't mean it does for everyone else.

I have two friends that are school teachers, one who works in a lab at some medical company in Boston, one who works writing code for a hedge fund company (making over 100k at a 24 yearold,) and they *gasp* all smoke pot. Obviously they don't toke before work, just like they wouldn't down a few beers before work either. Responsible adults can handle their shit...and smoking a jay at the end of the work day to relax is no different than popping open a cold one. Is there a possibility for abuse, of course...I'd be a moron to deny that, but to say that everyone who smokes pot is affected negatively is absurd.
^I think Dred is right on that one. Alcohol can fuck up people's lives just as much as any other drug, yet it's legal. Do you think it's terrible that I get drunk once in a while ? probably not. So what's wrong with getting stoned once in a while ?

Just because it fucked up your life, doesn't mean it does for everyone else.

I have two friends that are school teachers, one who works in a lab at some medical company in Boston, one who works writing code for a hedge fund company (making over 100k at a 24 yearold,) and they *gasp* all smoke pot. Obviously they don't toke before work, just like they wouldn't down a few beers before work either. Responsible adults can handle their shit...and smoking a jay at the end of the work day to relax is no different than popping open a cold one. Is there a possibility for abuse, of course...I'd be a moron to deny that, but to say that everyone who smokes pot is affected negatively is absurd.

Just a question here: What was the frequency of smoking, before you lost weight and decided to go to the army, and now?

Just because it fucked up your life, doesn't mean it does for everyone else.

It didn't fuck up my life, it could have easily though, I was definitely on the path to that happening. It gave me a lot of experiences which made me a stronger, better person. But it did set me back a lot too, I should be into my 2nd-3rd in University by now, but instead I'll be starting next year.

I have two friends that are school teachers, one who works in a lab at some medical company in Boston, one who works writing code for a hedge fund company (making over 100k at a 24 yearold,) and they *gasp* all smoke pot. Obviously they don't toke before work, just like they wouldn't down a few beers before work either. Responsible adults can handle their shit...and smoking a jay at the end of the work day to relax is no different than popping open a cold one. Is there a possibility for abuse, of course...I'd be a moron to deny that, but to say that everyone who smokes pot is affected negatively is absurd.

See, you kind of prove my point because I think you're too high or burnt out and you didn't even read my post :lol:

1. I never said if you smoke pot you're a failure, I actually said once in a while is harmless but as you smoke it more and more, the more likely it will have a bad impact on you.
2. I said exactly the point you made, but couldn't see because you were blinded by the need to justify your drug habit.
3. I stand by my statement that most people who become regular users of marijuana, the same as any other substance, will be negatively effected by the drug. It's a simple fact. There's a small number of people who aren't hindered in any way but most people are, the severity of which ranges from small to large.

^I think Dred is right on that one. Alcohol can fuck up people's lives just as much as any other drug, yet it's legal. Do you think it's terrible that I get drunk once in a while ? probably not. So what's wrong with getting stoned once in a while ?
Did you guys even read my fucking post :lol:
1. I never said if you smoke pot you're a failure, I actually said once in a while is harmless but as you smoke it more and more, the more likely it will have a bad impact on you.
2. I said exactly the point you made, but couldn't see because you were blinded by the need to justify your drug habit.
3. I stand by my statement that most people who become regular users of marijuana, the same as any other substance, will be negatively effected by the drug. It's a simple fact. There's a small number of people who aren't hindered in any way but most people are, the severity of which ranges from small to large.

Agreed 100%. Once in a while, it's cool, but REAL addicts are normally negatively affected by the drug.
Just a question here: What was the frequency of smoking, before you lost weight and decided to go to the army, and now?

I smoked occasionally throughout most of college, started smoking every day about a year and a half ago, started smoking multiple times a day about a year ago, and stopped smoking at the end of August. I lost the majority of my weight while smoking 2-4 times a day.
It increases your appetite but eating more doesn't mean you'll get fat. Besides activating hunger and effecting how fat is burned/stored is different. THC can be found in your fat cells 45 days after smoking.