The time has come.. (WARNING: Drug related!)

You were on shrooms when you did it right .

Guess you won't anymore :loco:.

They cant ban the bacteria from where they grow out of, and they sell kits to grow them yourself on internet so it wont be much of a hassle to make them myself or just go get them from my friend who already has ~15 portions ready :lol:

But i dont know if ill do it again in the near future. Maybe 30th november on a policestation out of protest? :lol:
I've never seen a mushroom like that in person, because the government takes them before others can. Also, i do not agree with my country policing the rest of the world. I'm pretty liberal on the matter, a kid i went to school with was arrested along with 13 other people standing outside of a church for buying and dealing. The kid was stopped in his car and charged with possession and DUI of a controlled substance. I tell ya, if it's illegal either do it smart or don't do it at all.
Fucked up indeed. Aside from the psychological trip shrooms are completely harmless, so I agree with Knarf, but you know it would happen:/
But making them illegal will get them more expensive on the street, and less in quality, probably dangerous

i think
Here is legal to grow al the mushrooms you want, but drying them is illegal.
Honestly, this law is FAR different from any pot law simply because Mushrooms can be very dangerous, coming from someone who's had some baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad trips. If you know what you are doing, then yeah Mushrooms can be very spiritual, and fun, and blah blah blah, but if you don't you could seriously hurt yourself, or more importantly others. Basically, absolute ban is infinitely easier to do than regulation, so why regulate it? The people who will be upset of the law are the vast minority (at least here, I'd say so). Basically, public safety = taking the scissors away from the children. There are kids who are smart enough to use big boy scissors, but then the rest of the kids with safety scissors just look like retards...and they are.

Joe: As for pot laws here, its a slap on the wrist if its under 14 grams (Half Ounce), and I've been caught with weed on me before. They just took it and told us to keep it indoors :p.If you have scale on you, they will give you maximum penalty they can (fine, community service) plus take your scale and pot, mainly because they know you are dealing. Over 14 is an arrest.
Trailer Park Boys:
Cop - "What is this!?!"
Ricky - "Ha! 13 One gram joints, which I can legally have now, so you don't have shit on me! Jack, SHIT!"
*goes to scene with Rickey in Jail*
Ricky - "Well, apparently if you are on parole you can't have any dope on you, which is bullshit."

On the Arguement of Alcohol vs Mush. I'd say Mushrooms are MUCH more dangerous than Alcohol aswel, just on the fact of how unpridictible some people can be on Mushrooms. Although Alcohol probably (total guess) has more hospitalizations than mushroom consumption, alcohol is also waaaay more available.
It's illegal here and people do them all the time. Not that much a deal, methinks.

They aren't :p
In fact, some cops see them as hard drugs. Not sure what the exact laws are.
Growing them isn't illegal, since they can grown anywhere (farm fields, parks ect.), but picking/harvesting them is.
I think it is stupid to make them illegal. As Marfal said, making them illegal will only make them more expensive and dangerous. I don't do any drug, but I think all drugs should be legalized, so there could be some kind of education to ppl who wants to do them so they would become less dangerous.

Seriously, if all drugs were legal, most criminal organizations related to them would collapse, more people would have access to good quality drugs and there would be less deaths and problems related to drugs. Why can't governments remove the stick from their ass and just legalize drugs ?
Heroin should be treated the same as it is in the UK, which to my understanding it's supplied to users who are also given a place to do the drugs safely and stay out of trouble. Something like that.
Any way you slice it, drugs are bad. Well, too much drugs are bad. But it's a rare 10%, maybe even 1% of people who use drugs on a regular basis and are successful in life and have no negative consequences come from what they do. Drugs once in a while are ok I guess, one experience every few months but again people tend to go from that to once a month, then once a week, then soon it's everyday.
I think it is stupid to make them illegal. As Marfal said, making them illegal will only make them more expensive and dangerous. I don't do any drug, but I think all drugs should be legalized, so there could be some kind of education to ppl who wants to do them so they would become less dangerous.

Seriously, if all drugs were legal, most criminal organizations related to them would collapse, more people would have access to good quality drugs and there would be less deaths and problems related to drugs. Why can't governments remove the stick from their ass and just legalize drugs ?

The only drug you take is L.O.V.E :blush:
I think it is stupid to make them illegal. As Marfal said, making them illegal will only make them more expensive and dangerous. I don't do any drug, but I think all drugs should be legalized, so there could be some kind of education to ppl who wants to do them so they would become less dangerous.

Seriously, if all drugs were legal, most criminal organizations related to them would collapse, more people would have access to good quality drugs and there would be less deaths and problems related to drugs. Why can't governments remove the stick from their ass and just legalize drugs ?

Tell that to the Christian community who even opposes alcohol. I guess it's a moral issue at most...
Time has come, the world lies dying
Our faith has gone, our souls are crying
Resurrecting paradise, cry for freedom
Killing pain, a million lies,
Dethrone tyranny!

Any way you slice it, drugs are bad. Well, too much drugs are bad. But it's a rare 10%, maybe even 1% of people who use drugs on a regular basis and are successful in life and have no negative consequences come from what they do. Drugs once in a while are ok I guess, one experience every few months but again people tend to go from that to once a month, then once a week, then soon it's everyday.
I think we need to make a distinction here between drugs (cocaine, heroin, oxys, etc) and marijuana.

Plenty of people smoke pot regularly and get on fine in their lives...far more than this BS 1% figure you've arbitrarily farted out.