Michael Freakin Angelo


the noob-guitar community SICKENS me for all they can think of is how to play a trillion notes a second. you are not musicians you are circus-acts. :Smug:
on the one hand those so-called musicians are complaining about the downfall of music and the music-industry just pushin bullshit bands and on the other hand all they do is create speed-contests to be faster than guitarrist X instead of making music that lasts. :yuk: :yuk:
just like michael angelo said: "ive never heard a guy who can actually shred say 'dude speed sucks'."

mmm thats get u thinkin huh 'azrael' ?

its just better to play fast WHILE doin good music.... see michael romeo
but still, the speed and the show REALLY help making a band good.
its like... watching michael lepond headbanging is freakin awesome and gives the band points. michael angelo writes horrible music but he compensates it with the show and the speed, i mean... he has more money than you do and he is more famous than u are... mm, that makes u think huh?
better watch out before calling speed-loving people "the noob comunity"

when i hear ur music on the radio and seeing that its "music that lasts" then i'll reconsider, but in this world, show is better than being a good musician, and if u can do both, then u rule them all like SyX does. (altough they could have WAY more headbanging IMO)

And u are calling 'bullshit bands' people who play fast? mmm well then u are calling SyX bullshit, u are calling Vai, gilbert, Cooley, etc... bullshit musicians? mmm...

Speed is the new wave and u cant just go around playing crappy slow pop music
maybe some slow songs are good but... speed is whats good this days
To Xerox; Symphoyn X, Steve Vai, and Gilbert aren't about speed. They play fast because they can and what they play fits and doesn't ruin the mood of the song by putting random guitar theatrics in the music. They don't rely on their speed only, and seem more interested in writing good music and then the solos are the icing. The songs themselves stand out, the solos only make it better. This is why almost no one will ever be listening to Michael Angelo while driving down the street or even idly sitting around. His writing blows 90% of the time.

What Azreal was saying was that the people who are so concerned with music just being fast aren't helping put good music out there. It takes more than speed to make a memorable and good song.

BTW, what are you talking about Symphony X putting on a good show? I mean, it's thrilling to see the musicians up there playing their incredible music, but they're not running around like madmen or anything.

Also, "speed is the new wave"?? Where the hell did that come from? If anything, speed shouldn't matter much. What matters is what the musicians are saying musically, sometimes speed is appropriate, other times not.

Anyways, I'm too lazy to go on for too long because I know this arguement is dutile as well. Peace
speed is whats good this days
This is the worst comment i've ever heard on this board. Specially coming from someone that supposedly doesn't follow trends. If you like fast music, then by all means listen to it, but an argument like that is just stupid.
I dont get it. Why is everyone bagging out Michael Angelo for playing fast when he is a shredder who is meant to play fast? That is his style. I do agree that he gets repetitive though when u r shredding there is a point at which u cant go up and down a scale any more ways than uve already done before. Don't even try to compare him to someone such as Michael Romeo cos Romeo is different (and better I would say). His stuff is good to show off to ppl who dont know him, and thats about it though but I would recommend learning his stuff cos u can learn a lot of techniques.
XeroX. said:
just like michael angelo said: "ive never heard a guy who can actually shred say 'dude speed sucks'."

mmm thats get u thinkin huh 'azrael' ?

its just better to play fast WHILE doin good music.... see michael romeo
but still, the speed and the show REALLY help making a band good.
its like... watching michael lepond headbanging is freakin awesome and gives the band points. michael angelo writes horrible music but he compensates it with the show and the speed, i mean... he has more money than you do and he is more famous than u are... mm, that makes u think huh?
better watch out before calling speed-loving people "the noob comunity"

when i hear ur music on the radio and seeing that its "music that lasts" then i'll reconsider, but in this world, show is better than being a good musician, and if u can do both, then u rule them all like SyX does. (altough they could have WAY more headbanging IMO)

And u are calling 'bullshit bands' people who play fast? mmm well then u are calling SyX bullshit, u are calling Vai, gilbert, Cooley, etc... bullshit musicians? mmm...

Speed is the new wave and u cant just go around playing crappy slow pop music
maybe some slow songs are good but... speed is whats good this days

WOW. Just... WOW. The extent to which you are a complete moron is so immense, it is incomprehensible to the human mind.

First of all, chances are that Azrael is A LOT faster than you are. The guy can play like a motherfucker, and then some more.

Moreover, your perception of music and guitar playing is just about the saddest I've ever encountered. Speed is nothing on its own, and shouldn't be used to make up for a lack in anything else. Musicality alone is ALL that matters, and speed should be something accidental, something dictated by the music depending on WHAT FITS, not something you decide on because you say to yourself: "Alright, now I'm going to play some septuplets at 230 bpm".

Xerox, if your view is typical of the people on this forum, then Azrael is indeed right to say that this community is pathetic.

Oh, and by the way, I can shred too. Really friggin' fast. I just also happen to like music - you know, that sound that emanates from your speakers between guitar solos...
jajajajajajajajajaja i love to make you angry

u are so funny you take everything VERY serious

maybe somethings u didnt understand as i meant them to be said cause my english isnt very good, but anyways, u are all stilll very funny, specially "dobit" jajajajajaj just look at him on his avatar
I love how you have to reduce you arguements to flaming Xerox. Maybe it's because you can't even make any valid points due to your maturity and intellectual level. Say what you want about my appearance on my avatar, it isn't going to bother me.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to show us all up by your incredible playing like you promised on that drummer's thread.
XeroX. said:
all right can some one help me figure out what he does on... maybe all his live and instructional videos? he plays songs but he improvises some parts doing a wierd fast thing, he moves his left hand like crazy and its sounds like open strings but with something else i dont know.. you can see this on the speed kills and speed lives instructional videos
does someone know what he does? :OMG: it looks quite impressive
Sorry guys.... but I think that Angelo is SHIT!! He can play fast, but he can't play for example: jazz,fusion.
Michael Romeo can play fast, clean and can play jazz,fusion stuff

Angelo has good tech, but as mentioned before he sure could take some lessons from vai, malmsteen or romeo. Hes a good guitarist and all but needs to work on alot. And attacking people to get your point across because you dont agree is not the way to handle stuff. Your opinios will be respected if you dont attack people.
With that said ill give mine about the whole speed argument:
I think the speed comes from the classical side of things, all the fast, great guitarists play classical music. Classical music is the most beautiful music around, but it's also challenging to learn. And people who are really into music respect classical stuff thus making these guitarists appealing to us. So to wrap it up melody and speed go together well. Speed alone is imporessive and all but without melody is hard to gain respect with hardcore musicians.
Ryöpsäyttelijä said:
Sorry guys.... but I think that Angelo is SHIT!! He can play fast, but he can't play for example: jazz,fusion.
Michael Romeo can play fast, clean and can play jazz,fusion stuff

And where did you hear Romeo playing jazz????? Please let me know.
seed2003 said:
I think the speed comes from the classical side of things, all the fast, great guitarists play classical music
Listen to Jazz/Fusion players and tell me if you still think the same. Besides, only Baroque pieces are characteristized by the speed. Most classical pieces aren't complex because of their speed, but because of arrangements and all that stuff (i.e. mostly composer's merit rather than player's). I doubt I ever heard Tchaikovski (sp?) write down a major scale run at 200 bps.
seed2003 said:
Speed alone is imporessive and all but without melody is hard to gain respect with hardcore musicians.
I partly agree. I mean, it is cool to watch a guy doing sweep runs with an inverted hand and at high speeds; but listening to it is a different story. Speed is not an end, it is a means to be carefully used. I'd say avoid it while you can. If you really think it, the majority (note: majority, not all) of the really cool, memorable and beautiful solos are slow (David Gilmour from Pink Floyd is a great example: he sucks at playing fast, but he kicks <insert almost any metal guitar player here> ass any day of the week.
ElPredicador, I think what Ryöpsäyttelijä meant by jazz and fusion (I'm assuming) is how he has some fusion-tinged solos and stuff. Sorta like the Communion And The Oracle solos, which are definately influenced by jazz or fusion.