Michael Moore


What are your thoughts on Michael Moore? He's a liberal extremist. He's so far up the ass of the liberals that they won't have to have their prostates checked as long as he's still has life. He's on par with a Bill O' Reilly, though I do tend to agree with Bill at times....
Michael Moore is a joke and a complete fraud.

i think his 15 minutes have pretty much run out.
welcome to the board first off!!
secondly Micheal moore who cries about the poor people of flint michegan has done ZI to help them. I think he could have at least spent 20 million to build a youth center leaving him with 70 million plus. But as all liberals do, they never lead by example. I give BUSH alot of credit. He has done everything he said he would do except close the boarder. But even there he deployed over 100 new drones to patrol the boarder..
Moore has been exposed for the fraud that he is. If any of you have seen Farenheit 9/11, I suggest you also watch Farenhype 9/11. This movie catagorically debunks every one of Moore's untruths from his movie.
Ironically, Moore is an NRA member and owned stock in Haliburton. Moore has employed over 200 people during his career while producing his movies and books. Guess how many minorities were employed by Moore? TWO.
He is a the movie producing equivalent of an ambulance chasing lawyer.
He's funny sometimes. But I don't believe him a single thing any more. It's just a manipulation and his movies are not documents but comedies. As I said, good to laugh with or at sometimes.
He's selling a product, not truth. The only people who buy it are deluded liberals.

True... but the "conservatives" who get all hyper over the mention of his name can be delusional too.

Political pundits, such as more Moore, Coulter, and O'reilly are scheming blowhards, and the people who get themselves worked up over them aren't very clever, from my experience.

watch out for SueNC, Sixx... She thrives on punditry, and will let you have it,... if you get on her bad side.

Every thing he says is the truth!! Go to him go to him go to him.

Never mind hes a douche bag.