Ok guys, here's the thing.
I have the BFD2 program form drums. This Vst has a 300Gb library with platinum quality sounds of different brands. You can build your own kit, and also choose a size of your kit like this:
Then you have a map to wirte grooves and stuff....but that's not the point.
I'm interested in miking drums as goes for the ROOM, OH, and AMB miking.
Interface looks like this:
Now every drum kit part has it's own mic. Like Snare top, snare bottom, kick in, kick out, toms, and all other precussions. Every mic I just mentioned has some bleed of some other drum kit part. Example: "You can hear hi-hat on the snare track."
On the first picture, on the upper right corner you can see options for sending a particular drum kit piece to the room, oh and amb mics.
On the second picture on the right you can see a room with the drum kit and options to set up the Room, OH and Amb mics as goes for Distance and width.
Now What I'm asking here is how would these room, oh and amb mics be set-up for some casual metal drums...
1. How much send of each piece on room and oh?
2. And how should be these Room, oh and amb mics place as goes for Distance and width?
I have the BFD2 program form drums. This Vst has a 300Gb library with platinum quality sounds of different brands. You can build your own kit, and also choose a size of your kit like this:

Then you have a map to wirte grooves and stuff....but that's not the point.
I'm interested in miking drums as goes for the ROOM, OH, and AMB miking.
Interface looks like this:

Now every drum kit part has it's own mic. Like Snare top, snare bottom, kick in, kick out, toms, and all other precussions. Every mic I just mentioned has some bleed of some other drum kit part. Example: "You can hear hi-hat on the snare track."
On the first picture, on the upper right corner you can see options for sending a particular drum kit piece to the room, oh and amb mics.
On the second picture on the right you can see a room with the drum kit and options to set up the Room, OH and Amb mics as goes for Distance and width.
Now What I'm asking here is how would these room, oh and amb mics be set-up for some casual metal drums...
1. How much send of each piece on room and oh?
2. And how should be these Room, oh and amb mics place as goes for Distance and width?