microphone compressor for rehearsal ?


Aug 28, 2006
Hey guys Im looking for some sort of compressor to use on my vocals, the place the band rehearse ain't up to much and my vocals r suffering from terrible volumne changes on high and low techniques i need something to even these out, is there anything i can get before going into the desk ?
only thing i seen on the net was a behringer shark which has a gate and compressor built in, is there anything more up market i could consider ?
I was struggling to find anything on the net all i could see was mic rack pre amps which isnt really what im after, looking for something like a footpedal with xlr in outs ?

what seriously ? Is that didgitech any good i did see that and ignored it i thought it looked like a toy !

It looks very plasticy/easy to break is this a solid unit ?

how good the compression on this thing ?
would maybe use a bit of delay if i got this hmm...

Hey man a dbx is no good i aint wanting anything thats in rack form
it need to be at my feet !

alot of the sound techs in this area havent a clue either so it would maybe have to be something i could use live aswell.

But if ur seriously saying these digitechs r not so bad i maye check em out.

haha so a behringer shark is a no no then ?