I saw this...I cant imagine it was the woman..she has three other kids. But if it is..I mean I dont know what to say. There is the saying that whitey is the crazy serial killer type..but microwaving babies?? Thats a new one.

I vote execute.
A) what mother in her right state of mind will microwave a baby?

So basically if she is unfit mentally she will loose her other three children

B) she knew what she was doing

So basically execute her and she will loose her children

C) She's innocent

But until proven so the system (especially considering she's african-american) will take her children away

In any case the family is fucked and I'm glad I'm not part of the jury in this case.

The more I see mankind the more I love my dog.
if she's guilty, it might finally be time to accept the fact that other races are just as violent and sadistic as whites.


And also that women can have as serious brain-snaps as men.
The PC-people gonna muster all they can to prove that her Burger King baby-incident happened because of KK Kramer.

Martha Stewart made her do it.
Thats a damn shame. That baby would have fetched $50,000 on the black market, and she treated it like a $2 hotpocket.
Thats a damn shame. That baby would have fetched $50,000 on the black market, and she treated it like a $2 hotpocket.

Not to add more salt in the wound...but by the by, Black babies aren't in demand on the black market anyway - the foster homes and orphanages are already full of them. Sad really...