Midnight's set

One thing I learned from his set is that one artist can steal all of the shows thunder by sucking... Hard...
How was the show otherwise guys?
I know that Circle II Circle was amazing, they never cease to amaze me.
I just wanna say that I really like Sakada. But what he was doing up there was not Sakada, it was a version of something from it but I couldnt place a name. But basically it was a dude making cat noises with some guitar making noises along with it.
I really hope he doesn't read this thread.... I didn't see his show myself, but I felt really bad to hear the reactions.

He won't feel too bad, seeing as how he probably doesn't remember any of it anyway.
It was definitely a unique performance to say the least. I wasn't sure how much I had imagined and how much was real. I got in Wed (yes - I officially kicked off the vacation at 8am at airport bar, hey I wasnt gonna be driving for a few days) - hit ATL, met up with roomie and some others - got tot he venue was feeling pretty buzzed and then WHAM! The set started and it was almost like some Pink Floyd (Syd Barrett days) things going on. The couches in the back of the bar were seeing a lot of action as people drifted away from the stage area -I started REALLY drinking now (how was the set only 30 minutes?) and remember hysterical laughter at some things (but what exactly I cannot say). The set claimed roomie (as he had driven 13 hours that day to get there) - I stayed for CIIC and am I glad I did- they rocked.
In another setting Midnight's set may have worked -much more of a coffeehouse/acid type of improv (or so it seemed to me) -but as part of PP it definitely was out of place. Orphaned Land's acoustic set was vibrant, bouncy (had rhythm), Jon Oliva's show last year was freaking awesome - so I hope Glenn will keep bringing us these "special" performances. They won't all work - but hey, like someone pointed out already - this set is going to be part of Fest Legend & Lore throughout the years. "I was there for....
Dammit - I am still on east coast time and got to work about 2 hours early (can't face unpacking yet) -
back to reading the forum - i mean working
it was...

I’ve been reading raves on this board about Midnight’s impromptu acoustic performance in a hotel hallway at a prior ProgPower -- so I’d be interested to hear a comparison from the folks who attended both. There was definitely something odd going on during Wednesday’s show.

That 'Midnight at 6am' impromptu performance was actually on the front deck of the much-lamented Fairfield Inn.

I was at both 'shows.'
He was great at 6am. I swear, you could probably have heard his voice two blocks away.

He was indescribably....odd....on Wednesday.

Moral: if booking Midnight for anything, try to make it at 6am. :)
No one has mentioned his hand motions yet. They were sort of like groping the air or mime done poorly.

Yeah, that was "odd" along with everything else. Even the guitar player on his left did something like that, I kept thinking he had a HAND CRAMP or was SPRINKLING FAIRY DUST!

I think all of us can deduce it was "not of this world" (rotfl).