This is what I've learned so far....

What else do I need to know??
For instance.. How early do people generally get to the venue to wait in line??

Heed the words of ear protection. I was already half deaf, but one year Symphony X really poured on the volume. They were great, but very loud. It IS a concert though.

Of course, you have to buy the unofficial PPUSA mascot a beer. His name is Bryant. Just joking of course.

You had several good replies on this thread, but the biggest thing is to feel at home there. Don't be too shy to walk up to someone (including band members walking around) and introduce yourself. one of the big things for me at PPUSA is the comraderie (sp?) I feel with people much like myself. The experience goes beyond the bands and merchandise. Glenn has helped create a cult unlike any you will witness.

Bryant said:
Heed the words of ear protection. I was already half deaf, but one year Symphony X really poured on the volume. They were great, but very loud. It IS a concert though.

Of course, you have to buy the unofficial PPUSA mascot a beer. His name is Bryant. Just joking of course.

You had several good replies on this thread, but the biggest thing is to feel at home there. Don't be too shy to walk up to someone (including band members walking around) and introduce yourself. one of the big things for me at PPUSA is the comraderie (sp?) I feel with people much like myself. The experience goes beyond the bands and merchandise. Glenn has helped create a cult unlike any you will witness.

That is the truth!:rock: :notworthy :kickass: Hail! It IS heavy metal heaven on earth, I'm here to tell ya! Thanks, Glenn!:kickass:
This will be my third year in attendance and I have to say the atomosphere is very relaxed. When you want to stand on the floor, then stand on the floor. When you want to sit for a set, then sit for a set.

My point is, you don't have to fight for everything you get or treated like cattle like you do normally at concerts and festivals. It's an unusual experience, but in a good way.
Wow!! You guys are great, I'm really looking forward to going to this show.
I am a very shy person I like to hide in my own little corner, but I know just from being on this forum that this is A totally different crowd of people and I look forward to meeting some or all of you guys. Although, I'm not much of a party person, so I don't know how many of those I'll be going to. It's all about the music for me. I get really nervous meeting new people especially band members, but hoping to get past that and just have fun.
Now if you guys would be so kind as to just step aside when Vision Divine
comes on and let me get lots of good pics it would be much appriciated.
I think that I'm the only American on their forum, so it's expected of me to come back with good pictures.:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Thank You!!!
Ear protection is the truth. Get yourself some good ones that way they're not just foam in your ears but some that help regulate the good frequencies while keeping out the bad.

I always cringe when I see the people there both days without ear plugs. They're setting themselves up for ringing in the ears later in life, and that is something you do not want.
nailz said:
I don't use ear protection, and my ears do ring after the shows, but I don't attend anything loud enough long enough or often enough to be concerned.

I'm not trying to preach or tell you what to do... you're certainly free to wear or not wear ear protection at your discretion... but you're deceiving yourself if you think you're not sustaining permanent hearing damage. At this volume, you don't need continuous, sustained exposure. Given the volume and frequencies of a metal concert, exposure for 5 - 6 hours, for the 2 - 3 days of ProgPower is more than enough to cause your hearing to deteriorate a little bit... and it's cumulative. Every time you listen to a metal concert without earplugs, your hearing gets damaged a little more. The ringing goes away after a while, but your hearing never quite gets back to the acuity it had before.

The problem with most earplugs is that they totally fuck up music. The trick is to not get those crappy, general-purpose foam earplugs, which block out way more high-frequency sound than low-frequency. Those make everything sound like a garbled, low-end clusterfuck. However, there are earplugs made specifically for listening to music, which allow the music to come through clearly, but simply lower the volume of it before it reaches the delicate inner ear.

If you're not concerned about this because you already know this and simply don't care, then carry on. Otherwise you might want to consider getting some music-listening earplugs.

These have been recommended by a bunch of people who go to lots of metal shows. I haven't used them yet myself, but everyone I've talked to who has used them says they work well, and I'm going to pick up a pair before ProgPower. They're a little more expensive than the other ones on that page, but according to everything I've heard, they're among the best at lowering the volume without affecting the music.
Bad Girl Tess said:
Starve yourself before ordering food from the 24 hour Chinese place :Puke:

Whatever, Punk! That place rocks! :) Plus this year we'll have a fridge/microwave in our room, so I don't have to leave behind half of my food... I can take it back and eat it the next day. LOL

Also, as far as earplugs are concerned... I use the orange NexCare ones with the stems on them, and the music sounds great with them. I used them all through Chicago Powerfest this year and ProgPower USA last year. You're right, the stupid generic foam ones suck for attending concerts... they're more for things like using loud power tools, and such.
Sumeet said:

These have been recommended by a bunch of people who go to lots of metal shows. I haven't used them yet myself, but everyone I've talked to who has used them says they work well, and I'm going to pick up a pair before ProgPower. They're a little more expensive than the other ones on that page, but according to everything I've heard, they're among the best at lowering the volume without affecting the music.
These are the ones we distribute to all our engineers who work around high noise, high frequency equipment, and let me tell you THEY WORK!!!!!!!! Everyone loves them, as they are comfortable and filter out all the unwanted sounds while letting you hear what you need to hear. I used them last week at the ROB ZOMBIE show here and they were awesome. So if you don't mind paying over $10 for earplugs get these, you won't be sorry.:Spin:
Sumeet said:

These have been recommended by a bunch of people who go to lots of metal shows. I haven't used them yet myself, but everyone I've talked to who has used them says they work well, and I'm going to pick up a pair before ProgPower. They're a little more expensive than the other ones on that page, but according to everything I've heard, they're among the best at lowering the volume without affecting the music.

I bought a pair of these before ProgPower V and I have used them ever since at a bunch of concerts. They work great, so I highly recommend them!
Just bought a pair now due to this thread. I had a great pair I got from a surf shop but my darling hubby lost them at Sweden Rock.