Midweek Mayhem - Your input requested

As a first timer and a huge fan of traditional metal the Ross The Boss set was a perfect choice, it also coupled well with Accept on Thursday.

What I was really digging about it was that both RTB and Accept were both bands that had a big influence on the power metal bands that played the actual festival (as it was proven Thursday when you saw guys like Oscar from Hammerfall in the crowd rocking the hell out to Accept) Plus it gives some of the inexperienced bands like SK (who in my opinion has a long way to go as a live band before they play with a band the caliber of Blind Guardian, Ross The Boss or any legend for that matter but that is strictly from a performance and stage presence aspect, they sound great on their album)

If you ask me Nathan I would take what you did for Midweek and take it one step further and maybe try something like a New Wave Of British Heavy Metal night or a straight up traditional power metal night, or even a old school prog-rock night and get some of those bands that influenced the current lineup of the festival, that way for first timers you get a full experience and they can see what inspired the great bands they will see later on in the week to do what they do.

If I may make a suggestion, next year I would book bands that are more on par with the headliner (and I don't mean from a "talent" level, I mean more genre specific)

Because this can be a show that you can put on that can stand on its own two feet, and you could easily gain some new fans, you could even get some people that would possibly travel just for that show and once they get there end up staying for the rest of the festival.

Plus if you book some bands that influenced the bands that are playing the fest you could see them at the show and how cool would that be?? Imagine the guys from Dream Evil hanging out at The Loft while they are watching one of their favorite bands from the 80's! That would give the fans a chance to meet even more musicians.

That's just my opinion.

And May The Power, Glory and Might of Metal Be With You!

John, speaking of Accept, it was fun as hell rocking out to Fast As A Shark with you!

I did not attend Wednesday this year due to the lineup. I had a great time last year with the mid-week show which was the Queensryche tribute. I would always consider a Mid-week show but to off set the extra costs of flight and room the line up has to be interesting. 4 days of music and hanging with friends is always good.

The only reason I didn't go was because I wasn't allowed the time off work. However, I have to agree that some of the ideas earlier in the thread, such as special sets, might draw better for you (as well as cutting your costs).

Cheers bro
I love what you've done so far.

I flew in to Minnesota for Gamma Ray the first time they were there. I drove with a friend through a blizzard in Missouri to see what I think was the first Twisted Sister Christmas show you had in Minnesota.

I would probably be at more shows if I was closer and if Minnesota wasn't cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table during the winter. Nonetheless, I will still try to make it to some shows when I can if they interest me whether it's this year or next year after I move to Indianapolis (not where I want to be but that's where my government job is going).

I only showed up for Ross The Boss because like you I'm a huge Manowar fan but I knew my ankle wouldn't hold up for more than one set and that sucked because I was interested in seeing Seven Kingdoms. I was the tall, short brown hair and beard dude that had the same Manowar shirt as you.

I'm not much of a social person. In fact, I hardly say a word to anyone all weekend long. But I would be interested in seeing Wednesday be a night of pure fun for everyone. I like seeing people have fun both on and off stage. I'm not sure about the fesability of it all so I'll just through some ideas on the table. Charge as needed for costs of course etc.

A special acoustic set would be nice. I have yet to make it to one of these opportunities.

How about an all request performance? Start taking requests from fans as soon as you can and rank the songs requested. Maybe allow requests of songs by other bands. Many of the fans are also good performers, perhaps they would be willing to play a requested song and maybe a more established artist will join them for fun. Maybe call it a Pro-Am jam set.

Have karoke for a finale/fallback.

As said by someone over the weekend, this is the ProgPower festival the possibilities are endless.

I'd also be up for seeing some resurrected bands of the past such as Grim Reaper.

Hail and Kill

You certainly did your best to put on a fun show, and for that alone you should be commended. I basically convinced my group of friends to go simply to see Vangogh. Unfortunately, we were disappointed in their performance. However, that shouldn't reflect poorly on you, as it's up to the bands themselves to sound as close to the way that they sound on their albums as they can. You put together a fairly diverse lineup at a decent price. I'd say it was a success in that regard.

I go to this festival first and foremost to see the bands. I don't understand why certain people attend the festival only to spend 90 percent of their time chatting with people in the lobby or outside of the venue. That said, I do enjoy socializing with folks when the time allows. Thus, I like the idea that some have suggested of having a single band performing on Wednesday and following it up with karaoke, be it with that band or without that band. I trust that you'll come up with something cool, and I look forward to seeing your announcement when you're ready.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Karaoke could be fun, I could see that as a Thursday during the day kind of thing though or Wed, during the day before the shows. I know when I was down there on Thursday during the day I was left to my own devices because my travel group was getting tattooed in Smynra which wasn't exactly close to the Artmore. Luckily I ran into a couple of cool guys named Mark and Mike while I was trying to find Mac's liquor store who have been to pp a few times so I killed a few hours just bullshiting with them.
Luckily I ran into a couple of cool guys named Mark and Mike while I was trying to find Mac's liquor store who have been to pp a few times so I killed a few hours just bullshiting with them.

That's the best thing about ProgPower. I remember some obnoxious kid talking to me one year in line (I think it was ProgPower 5 or 6). I ended up having more and more conversations with him. All of a sudden, he's a good friend of mine, and his name is Ian (Dolamite Biffle). I actually missed seeing you this year you fuck! :lol:

If I were to count the amazing people that I met at ProgPower simply by starting random conversations while in Atlanta, I'd lose count. ProgPower has truly the most amazing people in the world. And then there is Dolamite... :lol:
Hey Nathan!

You already know how much fun I had seeing RTB, and I can't thank you enough for the opportunity. I love the idea of having 4 days of ProgPower. As long as you put on something I find interesting, I'll be there. Unfortunately if you do a black/death/extreme night you can count me out as I have no interest. Like I said before I can see how that might work, but you would be alienating at least part of your potential fanbase.

As for the future, it looks like a couple of things need to happen.

1) I would do whatever it takes to get the loft to let you utilize that back room area for socializing. It would be too much to ask Glenn to get you the gold badges by then so just let whoever wants to hang out there do so.

2) Have your show end by about 11:00 and bring back the Metal Karoke downstairs. Include it in your cost so one price gets you both, but also sell separate admission for people who just want to go to karoke.

3) Here's the tough one, coming up with something "special" for the headliner. I love the idea of an acoustic set or a partially unplugged set (like Seventh Wonder did at the gold badge show). I also think there is a number of mid-level bands that were not picked by Glenn for this year's fest that many predicted like ReVamp, Cain's Offering, Unisonic and others. Not sure the price tag involved but there is definately interest. There's also the possibility of bringing in an older band like Pretty Maids, Magnum or Europe for a special one off show. Just make sure it's one off. I think that's what mostly hurt Shane with Accept is that they were also playing everywhere else.

Unortunately, everybody's idea of what's special is different. I thought RTB was and really expected a larger turnout.

As an idea for some of those want to come but dont want to/can't pay for an extra day at the Artmore by themselves, how about booking a cheaper hotel just for Wed night and moving to the Artmore the next day when your friends arrive. Coming in the extra day doesn't really make much difference in airfare, especially if you book early when everything is on sale. Weather you stay at the Artmore or not, party/socialize there some before the show. Get a nice buzz started and you won't have to spend as much on $4 beers.

And since you're reading all these posts, get Miles Beyond as an opener. They're way overdue to play this fest in some capacity.
Another round of thanks for another round of excellent posts!

Thank you to Met-Al, Andy and See You in Hell for their extraordinarily kind words which I needed on a day like today!

Thank you to everyone else for your feedback. I am reading EVERY SINGLE POST and saving data and names in a file for future reference. I absolutely promise you that all input is being weighed and considered for next year's show. Keep on typing, you are being heard!

Uncle Swordzy
I'm on-board with Andy's idea of the Metal Karaoke being the same night after your shows. So yeah, maybe you can bump up your start time a bit and then people can enjoy your production and then the karaoke afterward. I did hear some people this year wishing the karaoke was still happening so maybe you can look into its revival if it makes sense to do so. This way the people can get both sides of their entertainment equation satisfied: a good live show if they want it followed by karaoke/socializing if they want that. And people like me who can't get enough can enjoy both!

I'm probably in the minority regarding the acoustic sets though as I think they're wonderful for the special ProgPower "extra" Glenn's had in the past over the weekend but I'm not sure how well that would go over if it were to be your Mid-Week Mayhem headliner. I'm a power guy (by that I mean I prefer to hear stuff plugged in and loud) moreso than an solely acoustic guy so if we had an acoustic session that lasted an hour to hour-and-a-half that's something I would not enjoy as much. I'd still come to support your show of course so no worries there.
I have to completely agree with See You In Hell, I would be turned off by an acoustic set, unless it was a band that's known for it (like Opeth for example) but if its a power metal band that is known for being loud and kicking ass and they just decide to unplug its not the same, its one thing if the songs are written for acoustic but don't just be acoustic for the sake of being acoustic you know??? Oh and if you do the Karaoke thing make sure the song selection is metal enough, and put Ace Of Spades in there because that's all I can accurately sing, everything else I try just sounds like Lemme covering something.
I didn't go simply due to being a brokeass college student. Ross the Boss's set interested me since I like Manowar, but I didn't care about the other two bands.

The show was held in the Loft this year, right? I think a move back to the Vinyl could be a good thing. It allows for a more intimate atmosphere and you don't have to sell as many tickets. While I realize this might result in a slightly increased ticket price, it would still be a huge burden off your shoulders to not have to worry about the show selling out.

Ideally, the pre-pre-party show would offer something for those attendees who have interest outside of the typical prog/power metal world. Next year's main fest lineup has a lot of that with bands like Therion and Arcturus, but I think a thrash band could be a good way to draw in both people on the fence about attending and locals. A traditional/heavy band that doesn't tour frequently like Slough Feg could also help with a local draw.

Since the show is a pre-pre-show thing, I don't think you need to have a solid headliner. Instead, spread the budget between the three bands and have decently known names who appeal to different crowds. For example, a bill of Slough Feg/Bonded by Blood/small prog act (don't really follow prog these days) could do fairly well and offer something different than the next 3 days of music will be offering. Karaoke could be done after the show and maybe at a reduced cost to those who attended the show itself. I think it was last year that it was $5 to get into the karaoke portion...maybe have the karaoke free with purchase of a ticket to the show but $5 for those who choose not to attend? That way, those who want to socialize can socialize and those who want to watch music can watch music.