Midweek Mayhem - Your input requested

Keep the variety going. I like both prog and power but I can say the reason I came this year was just because of Vangough. Maybe next time the draw for me will be the power band you happen to book. Vangough was a real treat, good job this year.

I am very interested to hear from those of you who did not attend. I would appreciate constructive criticism. If the line-up did not interest you, the cost was prohibitive, 4 days of music is too much ... let me know. All feedback received is going to go towards making next year's Midweek Mayhem show bigger and better than ever!

The only drawbacks for me were...
1. The Price. I don't even know what the cost was, but seeing as I barely made it to PP, I just couldn't afford it, and I am very sorry for missing your first Midweek Mayhem show.
2. The 12 hour drive from Baltimore to Atlanta takes a lot out of me. Then after the whole flat-tire-in-Richmond-at-6am thing, I was just so tired.
3. I'm only a casual Manowar fan. Hell, I can't even tell you which albums Ross was on! I know he was on the early albums & also in the Dictators, but thats about it.
The show was held in the Loft this year, right? I think a move back to the Vinyl could be a good thing. It allows for a more intimate atmosphere and you don't have to sell as many tickets. While I realize this might result in a slightly increased ticket price, it would still be a huge burden off your shoulders to not have to worry about the show selling out.

I agree. Combined with the 2 band suggestion above. This would drop costs, and get the show over early enough to allow for the socializing / karaoke thing, before attendees get tired. Many will be jet lagged after all.

I was actually going to suggest getting just 1 recognizable named band, rather than 2 up and coming bands. Either way is probably a viable alternative, if the goal is to keep it short but sweet.

I'm not sure that Thrash has enough fan base in the regular attendees. It might, but that's something that would have to be researched carefully before committing to it.
That said, a recognizable Thrash band could probably, as Brian said, generate some local interest. However, that might be defeating the purpose of a more social setting.

Smaller recognizable Traditional Metal bands might have broader appeal amongst the regulars, I think. Digging up some "Blast from The Past" smaller bands that are known names for an exclusive show might work . Leatherwolf for example went over really well a few years ago. Doro, Helix, Kick Axe, Lillian Axe, Babylon A.D. etc come to mind.
you know, there's a lot of fans who come to ProgPower who are also in quality prog/power bands. Look at last year for example: Mindcrime. Previous years saw Eclipsed By Sanity on Wednesday; Theocracy, and Halcyon Way on Thursday. This year we had Seven Kingdoms on Wednesday and Six Minute Century on Thursday.

Why not keep that pattern going on Wednesdays at least? These are the up & coming acts and they are our family. These bands are the next generation of progressive power metal. We should support them and embrace them lest they fade away. So my thinking is... since there is no shortage of high caliber local and regional bands, invite them to kick things off on Wednesday.

Look around at the fest each year: members of SoulBinder, Void of Reason, Mindwarp Chamber, Division, and so many more. These are the people who support the main fest while trying to promote themselves a bit. Why not allow them the stage to do it?

And for those that do not want to attend a show in the Loft because it's 'cost prohibitive' or you'd rather just drink the night away with your friends... last I checked the Vinyl is wide open on Wednesday nights. ;)
you know, there's a lot of fans who come to ProgPower who are also in quality prog/power bands. Look at last year for example: Mindcrime. Previous years saw Eclipsed By Sanity on Wednesday; Theocracy, and Halcyon Way on Thursday. This year we had Seven Kingdoms on Wednesday and Six Minute Century on Thursday.

Why not keep that pattern going on Wednesdays at least? These are the up & coming acts and they are our family. These bands are the next generation of progressive power metal. We should support them and embrace them lest they fade away. So my thinking is... since there is no shortage of high caliber local and regional bands, invite them to kick things off on Wednesday.

Look around at the fest each year: members of SoulBinder, Void of Reason, Mindwarp Chamber, Division, and so many more. These are the people who support the main fest while trying to promote themselves a bit. Why not allow them the stage to do it?

This is a really good idea. It would keep costs down and provide an incentive for the socializing crew to come so they can support their friends' bands.

Just a shame you left out Pharaoh!!!!!:lol::lol:
I was in town in time for this but honestly didn't go as the lineup did not appeal to me. I did go last year and would go again if the lineup interests me. How about an up and coming band like Future's End? Something that helps add appeal to those who are not as familiar with next year's lineup.

you know, there's a lot of fans who come to ProgPower who are also in quality prog/power bands. Look at last year for example: Mindcrime. Previous years saw Eclipsed By Sanity on Wednesday; Theocracy, and Halcyon Way on Thursday. This year we had Seven Kingdoms on Wednesday and Six Minute Century on Thursday.

Why not keep that pattern going on Wednesdays at least? These are the up & coming acts and they are our family. These bands are the next generation of progressive power metal. We should support them and embrace them lest they fade away. So my thinking is... since there is no shortage of high caliber local and regional bands, invite them to kick things off on Wednesday.

Look around at the fest each year: members of SoulBinder, Void of Reason, Mindwarp Chamber, Division, and so many more. These are the people who support the main fest while trying to promote themselves a bit. Why not allow them the stage to do it?

And for those that do not want to attend a show in the Loft because it's 'cost prohibitive' or you'd rather just drink the night away with your friends... last I checked the Vinyl is wide open on Wednesday nights. ;)

That is a hell of an idea. I think it's in the top 2 ideas for Wednesday so far (the one I PM'd Nathan being the other ;))

I've gone 4 years in a row arriving Thurs and leaving Sun. An extra day just doesn't work for me due to extra vacation day used, extra food/beer/lodging expenses. Not to mention during the week of Labor Day it would have disrupted my work schedule even more since I'd then just work the one day.

I would consider the Midweek Mayhem every 3-5 years if the headliner or bands were some of my absolute favorites. Short of that, I don't see myself ever coming on the Wed.

A group of us were talking this weekend and we thought if you did something starting around 11am/12noon on either Thurs or Fri similar to how many festivals have the side/smaller stage before the main stage. If this happened, I'd have no problem going as it does not take an extra vacation day, extra hotel night, or any additional food/beer than I'd already be ingesting on that day.

I'm guessing this is the exact reason the larger festivals do the side/smaller stage on the same day of the main fest.

However you move forward, thank you for doing it as I'll be there at some point.
Hi everyone,

Based on everyone's feedback, I have proposed three options to Glenn for how I would run Midweek Mayhem in 2011. At this point ... as the mighty QUEEN would have said ... "it's in the Lap of the Gods!"

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How about this .... 2 up and coming bands, one power, one prog, and if a band from the main fest want to do something then that, but if not, just party and do the whole heavy metal sing along and everyone have a great time.

Great idea. How is this for a Wednesday Night line-up

Tetrafusion- Up and coming prog band from Louisana(Nightmare Records)

ASKA - Old School traditional Power metal from Dallas

Seventh Wonder - Crowd favorite

But the idea of two up and coming bands and crowd favorite returnee is good, I don't know how doable but i bet Nathan can pull it off.
Great idea. How is this for a Wednesday Night line-up

Tetrafusion- Up and coming prog band from Louisana(Nightmare Records)

ASKA - Old School traditional Power metal from Dallas

Seventh Wonder - Crowd favorite

But the idea of two up and coming bands and crowd favorite returnee is good, I don't know how doable but i bet Nathan can pull it off.

Oh God, yes. How many people showed up to the Seventh Wonder gold badge show? It looked like a good 200-300 to me, throw some up and coming supporting acts and it should come close to a sell out, I think. A returning favorite with some up and comers supporting is my favorite idea for this night.
You have to wonder though with returning bands for the Wednesday show if they'll be enough of a draw to make people want to take that additional day off work, shell out more for the extra night's hotel stay, eat those two extra meals out, AND buy one more ticket. I think for Wednesday the best bet is to have something that'll help with a local draw for ticket sales (not necessarily a local band, but a band who'll make the locals come out) and the social aspect for those who have traveled.

In the end, though...they know what they're doing.
To piggyback on what Hoyt's saying I would just observe that most of the awesome DC area band Brave will be coming down with While Heaven Wept. I and several others on this forum can vouch for how good of a live band they are.

I'd love to see the likes of Division, VOR, SoulBinder, etc play Wednesday night too.

Overall I think I prefer the lower key Wednesday. Perhaps last years Mindcrime headliner was my favorite: a cool show followed by fun karaoke.

you know, there's a lot of fans who come to ProgPower who are also in quality prog/power bands. Look at last year for example: Mindcrime. Previous years saw Eclipsed By Sanity on Wednesday; Theocracy, and Halcyon Way on Thursday. This year we had Seven Kingdoms on Wednesday and Six Minute Century on Thursday.

Why not keep that pattern going on Wednesdays at least? These are the up & coming acts and they are our family. These bands are the next generation of progressive power metal. We should support them and embrace them lest they fade away. So my thinking is... since there is no shortage of high caliber local and regional bands, invite them to kick things off on Wednesday.

Look around at the fest each year: members of SoulBinder, Void of Reason, Mindwarp Chamber, Division, and so many more. These are the people who support the main fest while trying to promote themselves a bit. Why not allow them the stage to do it?

And for those that do not want to attend a show in the Loft because it's 'cost prohibitive' or you'd rather just drink the night away with your friends... last I checked the Vinyl is wide open on Wednesday nights. ;)
I'm liking the idea of a low-key evening as well. I think Seventh Wonder would be a bit beyond easy budget range, though.

Nathan, if you get serious about karaoke I can check to see if Jory is available. He did the karaoke on Wed. night the "good" year, i.e., when people could sing along to our own CDs as well as the karaoke library. :kickass:

I attended and really enjoyed the show. The Loft provides a very intimate setting. The ticket price was a bargain. Ross the Boss was not the main reason why I attended. I like to see and support the up-and-coming bands. Mid-week Mayhem was a great opportunity to do just that.

Seven Kingdoms were new to me and I thought that they did a great job. Sabrina and Camden were really jazzed to be performing and it showed. It was a lot of fun watching little Sabrina smiling and belting out the vocals over the power metal assault.

I was primarily there to see Vangough and was very pleased with their show. You absolutely have to love a bunch of guys who drive the whole way from Oklahoma, play an hour, and jump back in the car the next day to drive home.

At the risk of being too much of a preacher and a cheerleader, metal needs our support to keep it alive, and this is particularly true of the progressive and power subgenres. SwordLord, I am sure that you didn’t do Midweek Mayhem for the money and I hope that you made a little $. I never copy or illegally download music, even if I want extra copies for my sons, because money is the only thing that will keep progpower metal alive. You stuck your neck out like the other two promoters because you love the music. That was clear from the excitement of your introduction that night. As fans, it is OK to provide some critical feedbackl like the one's above, but sometimes we need to look at the bigger picture and not take a “what have you done for me lately” attitude as if we are doing this super great favor by buying CDs, tickets and showing up at the concerts. With some simple math, it is not hard to see that even a band like Kamelot isn’t getting rich producing the music that they do. As the heart and soul of the progpower universe, if we are not going to support up-and-coming bands and existing bands that want to keep producing music, then we should not bitch if it all goes away.

Sorry to the sermon. Unless you are going to invite a Britney Spears clone to headline next year, you’ll see me there to support you and the genre. Thanks for helping to keep it all alive!