
tits, miff, gob or arse?

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Dhatura said:
I haven't voted yet, but I think I'd vote for tits cause both men and women have tits of some kind. EQUALITY!

wait. are you talking about HOMOSEXUALITY?? what would the pope, allah or jesus say about that heh? steady on ffs!
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
you cant aids or a kid from tit wanks can you?

yeah, but you can't from mouth either, which makes much more sense to me... but that's maybe because i don't like big tits anyway
*cough* *chokes*
My innocent boy

no i mean when you say gob,its a broad meaning.it doesnt necessarily mean nob in a gob.although mehdi made this thread restricting the meaning of it.:p
yeah if she has wounds in her mouth, and that's just as probable as having wounds on her tits