
tits, miff, gob or arse?

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It's not true though, mate of mine got bit by a dog that was barking like buggery, it's all lies
SOME breeds of dog descend from the wolf and many of the behaviours are wolf-like. The dog is genetically programmed to survive. He is programmed to eat, drink, sleep and reproduce. He does not know right from wrong but learns what is safe and what is dangerous.He will put 'fight or flight' into operation when provoked or spooked, trapped or threatened and this is why they sometimes bite.The following behaviours are some of the natural behaviours of the domestic dog. Some of the behaviours have been intensified by selectively breeding for the desired behaviour in certain breeds as explained below.Hunting, stalking and pointingMost dogs love to hunt. Breeds such as huskies will hunt and kill but not often eat the prey. Other breeds such as terriers will hunt, kill and eat their prey. Breeds such as pointers will stalk and point to their prey without touching it. Man has adapted this behaviour in pointers for hunting game. Collies will stalk and round up their prey. This stalking behaviour in collies has been adapted by man and used for his own benefit to round up and herd sheep and cattle.ChasingDogs love to chase. They chase one another during play and chase prey often for fun such as cats and mice. Man has adapted this natural desire to run and chase in certain breeds such as greyhounds used for greyhound racing. This has also been developed in the husky to run on command and pull a sled.BarkingBarking to the dog is a way of communicating. Some breeds cannot bark, but will howl to communicate such as the basenji, husky and malamute. However barking or howling is a way for the dog to communicate what he wants such as to tell others to keep away, a dog may want to get to a bitch in season, he may want his owner's attention, he may suffer from anxiety barking only when the owner is away or he may bark just out of habit or excitement. Man has also used this barking desire in certain breeds such as the heading dog known as the huntaway used in herding to bark at stock alongside herding collies to keep the stock moving during herding. Rescue dogs are also used and trained to bark when they find a buried human under snow etc.Scent following and trackingDogs follow scent by sniffing a scent in the air and on the ground. They use their strong sense of smell to hunt for prey and to read messages from other dogs or humans by sniffing the humans to find out where they have been and sniffing other dogs around the genital area as a greeting ritual. Man has adapted this highly developed scenting ability in dogs such as hounds for tracking foxes and in German shepherds the sense is used by the police for tracking criminals.Labrador retrievers are used by customs for their strong scenting ability as drug dogs to sniff out any drugs coming in or out of the country. Beagles are used for their strong scenting ability by customs to sniff out any food coming into the country.ShakingShaking is an activity to kill and tear apart prey. For the domestic dog food is prepared by human hands and dogs do not have to kill to eat. Some breeds still have the tendency to chase, shake and kill small animals. This behaviour has been modified in the domestic dog to shaking and pulling play toys.RetrievingMost dogs will carry objects in their mouths. This behaviour comes from dogs carrying food to their young. This natural behaviour has been adapted in some breeds for hunters such as in the strong desire for retrievers to retrieve.Man uses this ability in retrievers and setters to flush out game birds so that the hunter can shoot the game. After it has been shot and fallen, the retriever will mark it and go out whether on water or land, retrieve the game and bring it back to the hunter without damage to the bird.RegurgitatingBitches with puppies have a sensitive vomiting reflex. Bitches of all breeds may regurgitate food for their puppies when they feel it is time to wean them. The puppies will lick around her mouth encouraging her to vomit for them. This vomiting reflex has been bred down in some breeds so not all bitches will now regurgitate for their puppies.Gnawing and chewingGnawing and chewing is normal for dogs. Dogs should be provided with chew bones and toys of his own to curb the desire to chew toward his toys or bones and not the furniture. Chewing is necessary for exercising the jaws and keeping his teeth clean. It is not only very young teething puppies that chew but dogs of all ages love to chew. Puppies between the ages of six and 12 months go through another stage where the adult teeth are settling into gums, so can be a little sore increasing his need to chew more. So providing him with bones and chew toys will help him to satisfy the need to chew.Guarding food and other objectsSome dogs guard their food and sometimes their toys. Food hoarding is a natural behaviour. They love to bury their bones or toys to hide them but they are usually never dug up again. Man has adapted this desire to guard in certain breeds such as rottweilers, doberman pinschers and German shepherds. These dogs are trained and used to guard territory or used by guards as security dogs.DiggingMost dogs enjoy digging. This is pre-wired into them. Some dogs may dig to bury a bone, or a bitch may dig out a large hole for her puppies just before whelping, or some dig just for the fun of it. Dogs that originate from the northern countries such as huskies and malamutes will sometimes dig cooling holes in warmer weather. Breeders have adapted this habit in certain breeds, such as terriers who are trained for rabbiting and foxing purposes on farms. They can dig out and crawl down into rabbit warrens and fox dens to rid the farm of pests.
:lol: :lol: i've heard worse like.me mate has a dog and he loved to take her Micky Mouse mags and hide them under his quilt.also loved to chew on her Penal Code book.Penal Law must be sehr lecker eventually :ill:
[size=+2]Mallard Anas platyrhynchos[/size]

Anas platyrhynchos


Range and Habitat
  • Ponds, marshes, lakes
  • Breeds from Alaska to Quebec, south to southern California and northern Mexico, Virginia, Texas
  • Winter: Throughout the U.S., Central America, Caribbean
Physical Characteristics
  • 8-27"
  • Large dabbling duck
  • Blue speculum with white bar along both leading and trailing edges
  • Silvery-white wing linings
  • Juvenile similar to adult female
  • In the southwestern United States the "Mexican Duck", formerly a separate species, has both sexes similar to the female Mallard
Adult male alternate:
  • Alternate plumage worn from fall through early summer
  • Gray back
  • Yellow bill
  • Green head
  • White ring around neck
  • Chestnut breast
  • Gray flanks and upperwing coverts
  • Black undertail coverts contrast with white tail
Adult male basic:
  • Similar to adult female, but usually with chestnut breast and an unmarked yellowish bill
Adult female:
  • Orange bill with black central patch
  • Pale brown face
  • Dark cap and eye line
  • Mottled brown and tan plumage
  • Aquatic plants, insects, grain
Nesting Habits
  • Broods: 1
  • Eggs: 8-10
  • Incubation: 26-30 days
  • Fledge: 50-60 days